July 12th 2018

6 3 1

3:04pm: Hey guys, Sorry that I haven't been posting frequently I've been trying to get my health better. I've been coughing a lot and I've been having strange stomach cramps. No I'm not on my period nor was it something I ate. It's just been very strange honestly. I've also had academy which is basically extra schooling. I have a lot on my plate right now so I'm trying my best to get it all organized in my head. The headaches and the static hearing has become a lot more frequent and painful. Don't get me wrong. I like pain but this pain just feels so much worse for some reason. I've also been unintentionally starving myself too. Don't worry I do try and remind myself to eat. I have been blacking out, having worse amnesia, and nearly passed out a few times. Last night I think it was, I was on a call with a friend and I was pacing my room unintentionally until I felt a dark menacing presence behind me. It made me jump on my bed actually. I just feel so mentally and physically drained for an unknown reason. I also should get checked out for BPD, Borderline Personality Disorder, cause I was looking at most of the symptoms and I'm pretty sure I have all of them. I won't self uh what was it call? Oh self prescribe I think.

Unexplainable Incidents (2018)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt