~Chapter 16~

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Lucy's POV:
I explain to Natsu of what I meant and he stood up and punched a locker leaving a dint. Dan had groped me and touched me somewhere else before Natsu came to save me. I look up and see Natsu's bangs covering his eyes. "I'm gonna kill him!" He said in a scary voice that sent shivers down my spine. He helped me up and then led me to the office.
When we got there Natsu explains what happened to the principal mainly because I was still in shock. I could barely speak, my voice was all shaky and I couldn't stop trembling. After Natsu explained everything Dan was called into the office. Natsu and I was not allowed to leave so I go and hide behind Natsu. When I hear the door open I look up to see Dan and I tremble even more.
He walks up to Natsu and me and reaches a hand out for me but Natsu quickly grabs his wrist and twists it "Don't EVER touch her again!" Natsu yells and gives him a death glare. Dan jerks his arm away and backs up.
We listen to Dans punishment and he was expelled but what made Natsu even madder when he found out that Dan has done this to other girls more than 12+ times and has even gone as far as to... take their virginity. I start to cry at the fact. The school has saved Dan's butt so many times apparently but now they are sending him to jail. Dan was 17 and starting tomorrow he would be 18. And he can now be sent to prison for his crimes. He doesn't really have enough time to redeem himself in the outside world so he will he doing it in prison starting tomorrow.
I felt bad for him having to go to prison on his birthday "D-dan?" I say in a quiet voice and he snaps his head at me. If looks could kill then I would be dead right now "WHAT DO YOU WANT!" He walked to me obviously enraged. Natsu blocked him from getting any closer and backed him away from me. He was yelling at me but I ignored it "happy birthday..." I say and he stops "what?" He snarled at me. I lift my head and look him in the eyes and slowly walk to him "I said happy birthday" he calms down and Natsu let's go of him. I walk closer to him grab his hand "what you did was wrong, but I can forgive that... you know you did wrong so why are you lashing out at me?" He looked at our hands then back at me. He opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. I shake my head "see... you have no logical answer to give me." He looks away from my gaze "why would you even tell me happy birthday or even forgive me?" He ask and I smile at him which brings his eyes back to mine "because everyone deserves a second chance." He gets closer to my face and yells at me but I don't flinch "I ALREADY HAD A SECOND CHANCE! I HAD MANY SECOND CHANCES!" I shake my head again "yes.. that's true but you have never had one from me. So... take this chance to change, take this one chance I am giving you to become a better person." He backs away in shock. He snaps out of it and smiles "you know for some reason I feel... happy? Your chance that your giving me.. feels true and if I screw up you'll take my head. You don't give third chance do you?" I nod and frown "correct. If someone takes my second chance I give them, crumbles it up, throws it on the ground and stomps on it I don't just take their head I will take every single limb and chop them up into a million pieces." I state and I could tell he was terrified now and I squeeze his hand but keep a sweet smile plastered on my face "has.. anyone ever done that?" I shake my head and let go of his hand. He starts to rub his hand and holding it to his chest "no.. not yet at least" I say and again have a sweet smile. He nods and bows "I'm sorry Lucy Heartfilia. I will take this chance you gave me and turn my life around I promise." I pat his head and I give him a toothy grin "you better" I say and wink at him. (No one kill me please.. I promise it's not a shipping thing.. just Lucy trying to be nice)

Natsu's POV:
After all of that went down, we were let out to go to our third period. Lucy said her goodbyes and good lucks to Dan and we walked away "I don't see how you can forgive people like that. How you forgive Sting and a guy like Dan WHO TOUC-" Lucy covers my mouth "just because I forgave doesn't mean I will forget" she says almost to calmly.
We get to our third period which was world geography. My brother teaches it and he really doesn't care what we do. We pretty much have free time in there, so if we want to go somewhere else all he has to do is wright us a pass and we can go.
When we get to class we sit down in our seats. After the bell rings he released us to do whatever so Lucy walks up to his desk and asked if she could go to the library and I run up behind her "I'm going with her too!" I half yell and Zeref looks at me funny "Natsu plus library equals boredom" he spoke and gave me a smug grin. I roll my eyes and he laughs. She starts to make passes for us and we soon leave.
"Hey Natsu want to help me find the book I lost" I nod and smile "I know exactly we're it is! It's on the third floor and is probably still there" Lucy looks at me and sweat drops "Natsu.. we are now on the first floor so that means walking up all of those stairs and plus someone had to see the book and return it to the library" I look at her confused "ok one.. isn't the library on the fourth floor, so we are going to have to pass it anyway and second so far as I know this school doesn't really care for the library except for you and Levy" she rolls her eyes and walks away from me. "WELL ITS TRUE!" I yell and run after her.

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