Friends since Our Childhood

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BC: We knew each other since we were babies. We were introduced to each other by our parents since our parents are best friends.


G (same time): Him and I *. We are not lovers.

B (same time): Her and I *. We are not lovers.


AS: Just friends * since our childhood * like Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers *. From babies at daycare *, to kindergarten *, to elementary school *, to middle school *, to the beginning of high school.


AS: We would draw each other in kindergarten *. We would sit next together in any classes we have *. We would have our lockers next to each other during our friendship in high school *. We would try to hang out with each other as much as possible.


BC: We would always talk about school, homework, teachers, other teachers, our past and possible future and the world.


BC: We were best friends though we had friends coming in and out of our lives.

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