She squeezed Bucky's hand and Bucky knew not to say nothing cause that was her dad and he's never been disrespectful to her dad and he wanted to be in his good graces cause he just  asked earlier  for his blessing to marry his daughter. Her mom stepped in and said "John I think it's best that we let them decide not just force them." 

"No Sarah this is how it's always been in the family." John said

"ugh I hate being part of this family. I wasn't forced to go into nursing like mom I decided that on my own after you got hurt. But Steve was forced to join the fire department and so was Bucky. And you have already roped in my nephew." she said as she slammed her napkin down and said "I'll be in the car Buck." 

"Chloe don't there is a reason why we are here." Bucky said 

Just then her brother and his family walked in and Bucky's mom walked in.  "Come on let's go get some air and get you calmed down baby." he said in her ear. He grabbed her hand and they went out on the back porch and he said "Baby please calm down ok I know it's hard being part of our families believe me baby I know but getting upset like this isn't good for the baby."

"I know." she whispered as she wiped tears 

He hugged her and said "Baby it's ok." They stood out there for a few minutes and Sarah came out and said "He will come around baby eventually he can't keep forcing the family like this." 

"I hope so mom cause I can't be you and Winnie. I can't take it mom it's hard enough on me when it's Bucky I wouldn't be able to handle it if we have a boy." she said 

"I know baby." Sarah said as she hugged her and said "Come on let's go in." 

They all 3 went back inside the house. 

Chloe noticed that Taylor and Chase were extra giggly again and she knew that something was about to happen but she wasn't sure what could possibly be going on. She knew that Bucky had asked her to dress up a little bit for dinner with her parents which she didn't mind to do. He kissed her as they went in and she hugged her nieces and nephew then walked over to Nat and put her hands on her stomach and said "How are these boys?"

"They are good. Getting a little cramped but they are good." Nat said 

Chloe smiled and said "That's good. I can't wait for them to get here."

Bucky came over to her and pulled her over to the front of the living room as everyone started to take seats and she said "Buck what's going on?" 

"I have a surprise for you baby." he said 

He grabbed both of her hands and enterlaced their fingers and said "I'm going to tell you all a story about how I fell in love with a beautiful girl a long time ago." 

She looked at him and just shook her head. 

"A long time ago there was a 5 year old little blonde hair girl who was afraid of the dark especially when it came to her tree house. So me and her brother put fairy lights in her bedroom and her tree house and she was able to sit in her tree house and look up at the stars with me and her brother as I held her hand to let her know that it was ok. When she was 8 years old she got so scared on Halloween because a couple of older boys scared her with a scream mask and she fell and ripped her fairy costume and I held her hand and hugged her and told her it was ok that it was just a mask from that day on she never wanted to go trick or treating again. When she was 10 years old she was doing ballet in the firehouse like she always did and I loved to watch her do it. She was doing her spins and leaps but landed in a puddle of water as we were cleaning the trucks and she fell and broke her arm I held her hand then I even held her hand in the ambulance and I stayed with her at the ER and held her hand then too and I was the first person to sign her cast as well. When she was 11 years old I gave her first kiss to her in her tree house cause she was upset that all her friends had made fun of her for getting her braces and she said that they told her that no boy would want to kiss her so I kissed her I even slipped tongue in there sorry John. When she was 12 years old I left for college I told her that all she had to do when she was scared to hold her other hand and think of me. When she was 14 my mom called me and told me about my dad but told me that there was another person that needed me and that Chloe. Do you remember what I told you baby when my mom put you on speaker phone?" He said 

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