June 6, 2017

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First day of classes went smooth yesterday. Everything you could imagine in every first day any student will have, well we got it all yesterday. But one thing was really wrong with me yesterday, I kept on looking for that strange girl but shes nowhere to be seen. Nobody knows her too.

"I'll pick you up at 5 then." Dad said as he pressed the breaks on his car. I nodded at him and then unbuckled my seatbelt before exiting his car. "Bye Harries."

"Bye Dad." I answered back and turned around to see the car window halfway down and he was inside with a smile that doesnt usually suit his suit. Get that?

So when he finally drove off, I sighed and then turned around again to face my school. I was about to start walking when I saw Andrew—the great bully in our school—with his lads running as if they were about to chase another victim. Who might be the next unlucky one? Why do I even care?

Without further ado, I decided to walk to my classroom. Now Im wondering where the hell is Seth. He is usually earlier to come to school than me. No worries, I sit beside him in our classroom anyway. As I was walking in the hallway, I saw Andrew and the lads in a certain area and they were all laughing. Whats strange is that even the Tiana—the slut that Seth pointed yesterday—was there with her wanna be followers. Thats new. Seems like the new victim is a girl.

"There you go freak. Hahaha. It suits you." Then all of Andrews friends laughed.

"Why did you even come here? Youre so disgusting. Yuck." Tiana said in here b*tchiest voice.

"I just want to pass through. Please." I suddenly stopped walking as I heard that voice. I was about to leave like I dont care but that voice! I know that voice. So I turned around to see them and saw the strange girl on the ground with her books scattered all over and so as her homeworks and most of them are wet. But I felt pity when I saw that she was wet and her white blouse is stained with Orange juice. What the heck is wrong with these people?

"Hey!" I shouted making them look back at me. Andrew had this what-in-the-world-do-you-want look. While Tiana just smiled and acted all cute even if she wasnt. "What the heck are you doing?"

"It's none of your business, Fletcher." Andrew bravely answered.

"As a concerned citizen, it is my business. McDonough."

"Thats new. You never minded any of our business."

"I have my reasons." I answered and then walked up to them. I saw strange girl drying off her hair saying nothing. Why the heck would they do this to her? I then picked up all her books and homeworks making her look at me with one eye again since the other one is covered by her hair.

"What are you doing, Harries?" Tiana asked confused and seems to be a bit mad.

"Helping her."

"But why? She's disgusting and a slut."

I laughed and then looked at her making everyone a bit confused of how I reacted at what Tiana said.

"Is she? I thought that was you."

"Fletcher! You mot—"

"Andrew. Stop." I was about to be beaten up by Andrew when Tiana asked him to stop. Tiana then looked at me with teary eyes. There she goes again. Such a drama b*tch. I know that shes so into me, and when I say into me, I say sooooooooo. "You're gonna regret you said that Harries. You'll be on your knees asking for me someday."

"Someday? Or Somedream?"

"Why you—"

"Andrew! Stop. Lets just go." In a snap, they all disappeared just like that. Then I went back to picking up strange girls books and homeworks. She really is silent. She didnt even say a word since that I want to pass through. What kept me thinking is why did they did this to her?

See You, Mrs. FletcherDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora