23. sinner

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"yoongi, i'm too full."

taehyung pushed away the bowl of lettuce and grape tomatoes, rubbing his stomach. he looked slightly uncomfortable, but yoongi disregarded it because the doctor had said some discomfort would be normal.

"you sure you don't want any more?"

yoongi knew he was pushing a bit, that taehyung had already eaten more than he was physically and mentally used to, that he would be lucky if he kept down the food for a few hours, but it was worth a try. the answer came as expected though, taehyung shaking his head slowly. "too full."

they sat down together to watch tv then, and merely ten minutes later, taehyung abruptly stood up.

"where are you going?"

taehyung didn't reply immediately, and when yoongi caught sight of his anxious eyes, he stood up with him. "i... i just can't," taehyung choked out. "yoongi, i can't."

before yoongi could stop him, taehyung rushed into the bathroom attempting to close the door. yoongi somehow managed to get there before the door completely shut, but not fast enough to avoid having to see taehyung down on his knees in front of the toilet with his fingers down his throat.

"no, tae, stop it!"

yoongi dropped to his knees beside him, pulling taehyung towards him by the waist before he could heave any food into the toilet. "no, let me do it! yoongi, please."

taehyung was sobbing, and yoongi was growing flustered, bringing his shaky hands around taehyung to pull him in for a hug. "sh, tae. it's okay. you're going to be okay."

taehyung didn't stop crying.

* * *

taehyung now had a small plastic container filled with a simple salad with him, sitting at a table with seokjin, jimin and jungkook. he took noticeably small bites, but no one pointed it out.

jimin and jungkook stood to leave first after eating, leaving taehyung with seokjin in the empty room.

"you ate a little today," seokjin said softly. "i'm really proud of you."

taehyung tried to force a small smile. "i ate a little last night too. it's been... tough," he replied. "i didn't know eating could feel so hard."

"how was the doctor? did the appointment go well?"

"i was diagnosed with, like, three different things," taehyung said lightly, packaging up the rest of his salad back into the box. "i'm seeing a therapist now, and taking medications and stuff."

seokjin smiled. his smile was warm and caring, lighting up the room briefly. "that's good. let me know if anything gets too hard, okay? if there's no one else to turn to, i'll be here."

taehyung looked away at first when his eyes filled with tears, but then he looked back up to smile softly at seokjin.

"i'm so sorry for being such an asshole to you," taehyung said. "i just... i got so defensive and so angry every time you tried to tell me something was wrong and... i just..."

"hey, it's okay. i get it; things were bad," seokjin replied. "all that matters is that you get better from here on, so just focus on that and don't worry about what happened before, okay?"

"what if i do that shit again? i probably will, you know, yell at you and push you away and everything."

"then i'll help you get back on the track to recovery. it's no big deal."

sinner. kth x mygOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant