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the lower case is on purpose


"just breathe youngjae, i believe in you

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"just breathe youngjae, i believe in you." jb said, rubbing his back in an effort to comfort the nervous boy.

yoiungjae nodded, "yea, i got this. it's not like it's my first audition." he took a deep breath.

"just go." jb laughed, pushing him to the door. youngjae turned back at him with a glare but jb just responded with a smile. he huffed, waved goodbye to jb and headed inside.

in the hall, a few people were pacing around while others mumbled lines. he took a seat near the end of the hall as groups were called inside a room while others came out with a sigh.

then, one guy approached youngjae. "is this seat taken?" he asked. youngjae shook his head and the guy slumped into the chair.

The guy was random, yes, but his hair was what caught youngjae's attention the most. Bright red. It looked really good on him but it was a shocking colour to see.

"i'm nervous." he said, looking over at youngjae.

"me too." youngjae sighed.

"my name is jungkook."


"good luck with your audition youngjae."

"thanks, you too."

suddenly, someone walked past. he was tall, his hair a light blonde and his eyes looked piercing. jungkook bowed a bit causing youngjae to follow along. "who's that?" youngaje asked.

"that's one of the judges. he's an actor in the movie and i heard he's hard to impress." jungkook whispered.

"cool, no pressure then."


youngjae sighed into the seat of the car as jb drove in silence. "so how'd the-"

"i don't know." youngjae pouted. "there was this intimidating actor guy and then this random guy named jumgook or something-"

jb held his hand comfortingly, "how 'bout some ice cream?"

youngjae sighed, "and pizza?"

"and pizza."


sorry for the long wait for this disappointing chapter. i just wanted to make sure i had everything in order before officially putting this out.

and if anyone is confused, this is before youngjae got famous. cool.

my sister requested a certain ship to be added (i'm sure some of you already know) so i hope yall don't mind.

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