Chapter 1: moving and realizations.

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||Chapter 1. Moving and realization||

*Kath Pov*

Morning couldn't have come any sooner and today I woke up earlier than usual.
Why? Simply because the sun was shining straight in my face for the first. I got up and groan, rubbed my still tired eyes and glance up at where the sunlight is coming from and my brows knit together.
"Fuck. Where the hell are my curtains?"
I'm completely confused now that I'm really looking around my bed room. All my stuff are gone.

Well not exactly my bed and furniture are still here so at least I should try and be grateful.

Oh what am I saying...

I slipped out of my comfy sheets and got off bed, tucked my feet in my bunny bed Slippers and marched out my room.

"What the fuck mom where did you put all my stuff?" I asked furiously stomping down the glass staircase.

I scan the living room finding it in the same condition as my room, so I head to the kitchen but all that was there was a large cardboard box on the counter.
I took a peek inside only to see neatly packed cooking utensils that used to be hanging beside the stove.
I'm really confused now.

These were all up last night before I went to bed, things don't magically move by themselves.
Do they?
Well I do believe in leprechauns..

The front door open as I was closing up the box as it was before, hearing the locks click.

I rushed back into the living room only to see mom taking a box and carrying it outside.
I stood at the front entrance and watched as she stocks up the trunk of her white BMW.

"mother!" I called getting her full attention.

She looks up and walks back to the house.
"Morning hun I was hoping that I could finish up before you wake" she smiled meekly rubbing her palms against her sweater sleeve.

"Mind telling me what's going on?" I asked upset and a little bit worried.

"Isn't it obvious Kath we're moving" mother smiles collecting the last box from the kitchen.

I stood there paralyzed. My face lacing with confusion.

"But why do we have to move? Now for all the matter? We've been living here for practically seven years mom all my closest friends are here we can't just leave like this. what about school, huh?"

"Don't worry your little head I took care of everything starting tomorrow you'll be attending privilege High, I've already registered you"

"That's a dumb name.." I rudely commented "I don't wanna change school. I like my school. I don't want to go anywhere else" I complained.
How can she do this to me it isn't fair.
Then again life isn't fair...

I've been living in this town my whole life. My dad build this mansion for us, his family and spent all his life in this house, that is before he past away.

"where are we going to live then?" I asked out of curiosity.

"We're moving out of town, to New Orleans" she says simply.

I sighed taking a deep breath. My way of calming down.

"When do we leave?"

"Right now, I've been packing from last night. Just go grab the box from your room and let's go"
I strut back up the stairs slowly taking in one last view of this place. I am gonna miss it here.

[short time skip]

The car ride went smoothly as we drove against the pave road not one of us muttered a single word. I just sat there staring out the window looking nowhere in particular.

"how are you taking this kath? You haven't uttered a word since we left" mom suddenly asks sharing a glance at me for only a second before she went back to focusing on the road.

"what am I suppose to say?..." I reply in a monotone "you just took away my life, I want to complain. I want an explanation. I want to argue with you for just doing that without even uttering a word to me. I want to cry.. I didn't even tell my friends Goodbye. I miss them already mom" tears brim my eyes as I want so badly to cry.

After saying that the car went quiet again mom with an unreadable expression on her face.

The ride felt like forever but soon enough we entered the city town of New Orleans and the view out the window amazed me. We drove a little bit more until we entered a small neighborhood with lots of top modeled houses and big ass gates.

Wow this place is frickin stunning..

But what was more stunning was the house mom pulled up at.
The place was a mansion that was literally made from glass.

I shared a glance at mom and questioned "Are we living here now?"

She nods slowly but surely. "yep your dad left it for us"

I looked to her questionably
"mom I think now is a good time for us to talk" I said sternly like I'm the motherly one.

"I think so too.." she sighs turning the engine off and messaging her temples.
"Alright look Kath I know you're upset that we had to move, but after your father died. We became targets. Bad people are hunting us down and it's not safe at home anymore, so you see we had to leave"
I nod.
I'm aware of the bad stuff my dad was apart of and all the trouble that has stirred up with the Parker's last name. 
My dad, Winston Parker was the million dollar CEO of multiple leading industries and also leader of the Augustus gang one of the most dangerous gangs in my home town.
"Then tell me who is after us?"

"Do you remember that family dinner we were invited to?" she suddenly asks. I nod

"yeah I do, it was a peace treaty to stop the war that's been going on with the Augustus and the Southern gang" I recalled and mom nod.

For year we've been at each other's throats. Many lives have been lost over simple threats.

"Well David the leader is the one responsible for your father's death" she explained calmly but I could see the living fire burning in her eyes.
"how can that be..?" dad died from a car crash.

"It was all a set up kath that was no drunken driver.." mom growls gripping the wheel. "so we're here just to lay low for awhile until the steam blows off"

"so that's the reason you didn't let me tell my friends I was leaving, we can't trust anyone anymore and we don't need anyone getting information on our new location"

"your a smart girl kath" she says confirming I was right.

I laughed a bit. I was raised by the best.
"What if they do find us mom,  What's our next move then?"

"then we handle things your fathers way."

"so how about we go check out this place.." I said getting out the car a little less upset than I was before.

"Wait Kath, here"
Mom called me back and handed me a iPhone 6. Damn.
But what about my old phone it was fine I don't see the need for a new one.
That's when it hit me.
"pretty smart mom" I winked taking the phone. She closes the car door and accompanied me to the house.

I smiled at her and gave a tight hug.
"I'm glad your here mom"
And I meant it she's all I have left.

That's it for chapter one ladies and gentlemen.
[there will be editing]

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