Chapter 1

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I jump into my brand new mustang and start it up. Casey and Derek hop into my car and I start to drive. "What's wrong Casey?" Derek asks. "You to are going to be in serious trouble!" Casey shouts. I smirk. "I know." I say. "Then why did you do it?" she asks. "Because you have to live life!" me and Derek shout, we smile at our perfectness. Casey rolls her eyes. "Why am I friends with you guys?" Casey mutters. "Because were completely awesome!" I say. I stop at Casey's house and she jumps out of the car. "See you tomorrow!" I shout after her. "You'll probably be in detention." Casey shouts. "That's true." I say. me and Derek talk about our horrible principle mr. Soy. I pull into my driveway and take a deep breathe. Derek gets out of the car and starts to walk towards his house, yes we're neighbors. "Bye Derek!" I shout. he looks my way and cracks a smile showing his shiny white teeth. "Show off!" he laughs and walks into his house. I cross my fingers and pray that my dad is not home. I slowly walk towards the door to my tiny house. when I reach it I slowly turn the handle and open the door. I sigh in relief when I realize my dad isn't home. Feeling hungry I go into the kitchen and get a yogurt. I jump onto the couch and lay my legs across the soft mats. I grab the remote to the tv and scroll threw the channels. I turn on fox 2 news. "What the hell?" I scream. on the screen is a picture of my father in a orange suit. You guessed it, he was arrested. it doesn't really surprise me I mean it wasn't the first time he was arrested. my mother barges threw the door, groceries in hand. "Hey, Scarlett." she says smiling. "Hi." I say half listening to what she says. She walks over to the counter and sets her groceries down. I walk over to her and help her put the groceries away. "I got you Nutella!!" she says happily. I smile and hug her. "Thanks, mom."

"Your dad got arrested." She says.

"I heard." I say.

"I'm going to go bail him out."

"Mom, why do you even stay with him? he's always drunk. I'm not even allowed to have friends over because their parents don't allow it!"

My mother gasps. "He's your father!"

"Not a very good one!" I say. she looks at me and starts to cry. she grabs her purse and runs out the door. I really don't get my mom. she's beautiful, and deserves more. I sigh and make my way towards Derek's.


Omg I took so long to update! I think I will update once a week. does that sound good? Farewell! :b

The life of Scarlett haysМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя