Natsu can sing?!

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⚠️ Warning ⚠️ : Lucy fans you will not like this story.

The day started like any other, but this one had others feeling something interesting will happen.

It was the second week of June, on a Tuesday. This day was one of the worst heat waves in Magnolia. It was so hot that if you fried an egg on the street with a pan covered in oil it would cook!

One of the many people of Magnolia were the mages of Fairy Tail. Team Natsu melted as the sun shines brightly upon them even though they were in the guild hall.

"Ugh, its so HOT!!" Lucy complained as she wore a skimpy clothing and from her friends opinions they couldn't tell the difference between Lucy and a slut. But then they all realized, what's difference anyway?!

"I agree." Titania said as wiped sweat off her forehead.

"All right, you brats! We are going to the beach!" Makarov announced.


"All right!"

"Heck, yeah!"

"Thank, Mavis!"


The guild members celebrated with cheers and howls.

"Alright ya, brats! We're leaving in 30 minutes so go home and pack your things and we will meet in the guild!" The master announced.


"I still don't get the idea! Why you guys just make yourselves at home whenever you guys are here?!" Lucy yelled at her teammates but they ignored her.

"Huh, did you say something?" Gray asked her as he unconsciously strip his shirt.

"Aaah!! Y-your clothes?!" Lucy yelled as she soon saw all of him in his full naked glory.

"Eww, Gray you pervert." Happy 'ewwed' him.

"Gray!! You're stripping again!!" Erza said in her demonic voice scaring the living hell out of him.
"S-sorry, E-erza." Gray said surrendering to her demon-like aura.

"Hey, guys?" Happy asked.

"Yeah?" Lucy replied.

"We should go get Natsu."

"Oh, yeah. Didn't flame brain forget something at home?"

"What did he forget again?"

"I don't know."

"Well, we should to to his his house and tell him that the whole guild are going to the beach." Erza said.

"Well, we should get going." Lucy said as she grab her bag fill with her beach stuff.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2018 ⏰

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