1: Sirens

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I suppose to tell you the whole story I should start on Friday night.

Well, I reckon this all started with Jamie. Well I like to think so anyway; it was his idea to go out rather than stay in the dorm and play the new Assassin's Creed. I would've been more than happy to stay home, I had been waiting for that game since I bought the last one, but no he wanted to go.

* * *

"Come on Alec, we can't stay in our dorm all the time! We're in college, man! These are our golden years! If you want to be old and wise you've got to be young and stupid first, right?" Jamie yells at me.

"Bro, I'm not sure if you sound fourteen or forty. What's with all the girly quotes?" I laugh at the awkward face he pulls at my comment.

"Oh, shut-up, it's from my sister." He sighs thinking about his 16 year old sister who - I can say from first hand experience - is very irritating and irrational. And she's started spending a lot of time on the internet, some website called Tumble or Tumbling or something like that. Kids these days spend heaps of time online. I got my first phone when I was 15, and it only worked for calls. "Anyway!" exclaims Jamie, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Stop trying to change the subject! Listen, I got an invite from one of the guys in my theatre class to some party tonight at this new club just off campus."

"Uuuurrgghh do I have to go?" Wrong move. After knowing him for 13 school years, traveling with him for a year and then living with him for the past year and a bit at college, I should have known this was the worst possible thing I could say to get out of going.

"Do you have to!?" he retorts. "I am not forcing you to do anything! I'm asking you as a friend to come with me! But clearly doing something for someone else is too difficult for you. Remember that time you asked me to go to those youth group meetings? Because your mum was forcing you to go and you didn't want to go alone? I went with you didn't I? And I'm not even Catholic!" After he finishes he glares at me waiting for a response.

It's times like this when you can tell he's a drama kid. Honestly, anytime I say anything along the lines of 'do I have to' he makes me feel bad. So as usual I'm going to give in.

"Okay, okay, I'll go. But you didn't really go to that youth group remember? The leader said..."

"Jews aren't allowed. And after he said that you said racism isn't allowed and kicked him in the shin. Yea I remember" he grins at the memory and so do I. Well that's what happens when you mess with my best friend.

"So anyway," I say. "What's the name of this club? And what time are we supposed to be there?"

"We're meant to arrive at around 8 and the club is called Sirens, yes, sirens as in the beautiful, murderous Ancient Greek monsters." Jamie adds when he sees my eyes widen. In high school my favourite band was a group called Sleeping with Sirens, so I decided I wanted to find out as much as I could about what Sirens were. Out of that came an obsession with Ancient Greece. "Now go have a shower! You look like a mess"

Ten minutes later I've showered, changed and am driving my combi to Sirens with Jamie in the passenger seat singing to Bon Jovi at the top of his lungs. When it gets to the chorus I join in and we're both yelling, "WHOOOAAA WE'RE HALF WAY THERE! WHOOAA WE'RE LIVING ON A PRAYER!"

I roll down the windows and scream the next line to a group of freshmen walking to a cafe and they all jump. I crack up laughing as the group of girls with their faces caked with make-up watch us drive away grumpily and one girl even stomps her foot.

After a few more songs we arrive out the front of Sirens. It is a very tall building made of white marble with gold veins, with lots of glass and a palm tree on either side of the entrance. As we get closer to the building I realize that the "gold veins" are golden paintings of beautiful Sirens on the walls that look like they are swimming towards the entrance. Once we reach the door, which is one of those awesome rotating doors, Jamie and I both look at each other before nodding and walking through. I brace myself for the loud boom of music, but nothing but a soft beat can be heard.

The inside of the building is much like the outside; elegant and classy, with Sirens floating on the walls, their hair rippling around them. The paintings of the Sirens are actually so detailed it's starting to creep me out. I turn to Jamie to ask him if we're at the right place only to see him drifting past the lady at her pristine white desk in the centre of the room, towards a massive glossy white door with two buff dudes on both sides of it who look like they could be part of the mafia. Surprised, I dash after him, slowing once I get close to the mafia dudes.

"ID," the guy on the left of the door says. We show our student cards and the dude on the left nods to the other guy who then opens the door for us. With the opening of the doors comes the loud blast of music that I had been preparing myself for earlier. We walk in and see... well not much to be honest.

It's too dark to see much except for people on the dance floor when the moving strobe lights slide across their faces. Jamie points out where his friends from art are and we make our way to them. There are three of them and two look under age. Number three is a tall black guy. And I when I say tall I mean really tall. Like 6'7. I find it hard to believe that this guy is an actor rather than a basketball player. The other two look so alike I'm 99 percent sure they're twins, or at least brothers. They have scruffy brown hair, freckles and look about 16 but their wide grins make me like them immediately.

Once we reach them I am informed that the twins (who are in fact twins) are named Bruce and Robin (they're mum was a Batman enthusiast) and the tall one is called Ricky. I am also told an incredibly lame yet ironically funny joke about a crab and a bus stop. A conversation starts, about Team Fortress 2 (one of my favourite video games) and as I point out that although this game has better graphics, the first game has better screen play I see the most amazing thing that I have seen all night...

Once again, I'll be updating once I reach my goal :D

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So what do you think Alec sees? To be honest I'm not sure what I want it to be, so a little advice would be fabulous!

By the way, sorry I don't update often, but I like to make sure that my chapters are a good length and have interesting content rather than just updating little bits at a time. So ya :p

Enjoy the story :)))

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2014 ⏰

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