Seven: revelations

Start from the beginning

"Orihime do you think your friend in the library would be willing to help us out here for a while." 

"Toshiro?  I know that he would be more than willing to help out." answered Orhime.  " But how will you approach him?" Ichigo smiled at Orihime as he used his powers to transform into the form that Jushiro was telling Orihime about.

"I will approach him in this form when no one is around.  I will explain to him what had happened yesterday with the hollows and the recent hollow attacks.  I will tell him that we need help with our kingdom's library and archive to find out information about the sun princess." Ichigo stated as his voice sounded different.  It was a bit rougher as he sounded older than he was.  Orihime nodded her head that she understood as she watched Ichigo transform back to normal.  "Once we find out the information, then we can begin with your training."

Ichigo had brought Orihime back home close to sunset.  After he left and was far from prying eyes, he transformed into his dark form and opened up a descorrer (loose void) to sneak back into the castle.  According to Orihime, Toshiro usually works nights at the library doing catalog work from his descorrer  he could see everything without being seen.  He saw the young white haired kid working.  He was still looking into the moon kingdom.  Ichigo could see Orihime enter the library.

"Princess.......  What are you doing here so late?" Toshiro asked.

"Toshiro.......  A friend of mine needs your help." Orihime stated.

"My help?!  Why me?!" Toshiro asked.

"It is because you had expressed an interest in learning more about my kingdom.  Orihime tells me that you are a genius as she assured me that you can be trusted." Ichigo's voice rang out before he opened up the descorrer appearing before both Orihime and Toshiro.  Toshiro's eyes widened when he saw Ichigo's dark form.

"You're the moon king!" Toshiro stated in shock.  Ichigo nodded his head yes.  "How can I help you sir?" 

Ichigo and Orihime explained to Toshiro what happened with the hollows.  Toshiro what happened with the hollows.

"The hollows seemed to be after Orihime as they call her the sun princess.  I believe the answers to what is going on can be found within my kingdoms library and archive.  But we have so much information that hasn't been cataloged and we don't know where to start.  My people are trying to organize it as we speak."

"Of course I will help out.  But I have to be back here by tomorrow morning." replied Toshiro.

"I think I may have a solution that could work out." Ichigo stated as he walked up to Toshiro.  Ichigo's hand was inches a way from Toshiro's face.  "May I?"  Toshiro nodded his head.  Ichigo's hand lightly touched Toshiro's forehead as Ichigo's hand glowed as with his free hand, began to weave a spell creating a double of Toshiro.  Both Toshiro and Orihime looked at Ichigo in shock.  "This mod soul shall take your place until you return.  It will act and behave in the same way that you do because it has your memories.  Once you return, it shall disappear." Ichigo told them.

Once Toshiro was ready, Ichigo opened up the senkaimon to bring Toshiro to the moon kingdom.  

"I hope to give you some answers soon Princess Orihime." Ichigo stated before the senkaimon closed instantly transporting both Ichigo and Toshiro to the moon kingdom's archive and library.  Toshiro stood wide eyed at the amount of books and scrolls contained within the room.

"Sire......  Is this the human the earth princess was telling us about?" asked Szayel.

"Yes. This is Toshiro Hitsuguya.  Toshiro this is Szayelaporro Granz....."

"Just call me Szayel." stated the pink haired scientist.

"Ulquiorra Schiffer and Tier Harribel.  They are the ones who will be helping you out.  They will contact me mentally if you find anything dealing with the sun princess." 

"It's a pleasure to meet you all." Toshiro stated with a bow.  A low snarl rose up as it seemed to be coming from Tier.  Everyone looked at the dark skinned woman.

"Mate......" she snarled as her form began to flux.

"Harribel!" Ichigo snapped in a dark voice.  The blonde haired woman took several deep breaths calming her urge to mate with the young human.

"What's going on?" Toshiro asked wondering why Ichigo snapped at Tier for.

"Sorry about that.  It seems that you are Tier's mate.  Each one of my people has a soul mate that is the other half of our soul who manages to balance out our darkness.  Princess Orihime is my mate while it seems that you belong to Tier."  A light blush crossed Toshiro's face.  "Perhaps I should have someone else take Tier's place."

"No it's alright if she stays.  I would like to learn more about her and us being mates." stated Toshiro.  Tier nodded her head that it was all right with her.  "All right then I will leave you to get to your work." Ichigo stated as he left the small group.  Once he was far enough away, he reverted back to his usual form.  Four hours later, Ichigo was summoned to the library and archive.  Quickly changing to his dark form, Ichigo made his way to the library to find that half of the many books and scrolls have been organized.  Ichigo was impressed as Toshiro sat at a table with several books before him.

"Moon king.......  I have found some considerable information about the sun princess." Toshiro stated as he opened up a scroll.  "It took me a while to understand the language that this was written in." 

'So that's why the books are here.  No wonder why Orihime spoke highly of him.' Ichigo thought to himself.  

"Long before the existence of your kingdom here on the moon, there was another kingdom that existed on the sun.  They were to be the supposed mates for the moon kingdom that was starting to come into existence.  But the creatures the dark depths of space, the ones we know as hollows feared the sun people's existence.  They along with the moon people would be able to wipe them out of existence.  So the hollows attacked the sun kingdom and it's people as their powers just started to surface.  In a desperate the sun princess used her powers to save her people causing them to go to earth where they would be reborn.  When the sun people meet their moon mates, their powers would begin to reawaken but not their memories of their past life.  The hollows kept a careful eye out waiting for the sun princess rebirth as they feared that when you and her join, it will wipe out their existence."

"So that is why they attacked her.  They must have sensed that Orihime was the sun princess reborn.  Her powers must have activated when I came to her aid." Ichigo stated.

"If it is alright with you moon king, I would like to stay or be able to come back here to finish working in your archive and library.  Plus if what I read is true......"

"I understand Toshiro.  Your powers are bound to kick in soon.  I will bring you back to the earth realm in  order to take care of whatever business you have to do." Ichigo stated.

"My lord.......  Shall I escort Toshiro back?" asked Tier.  Ichigo could sense the young woman's desire to be close to her mate.  Ichigo nodded his head as he knew that he had much to tell Orihime during his next visit.

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