Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Trials

Trial after trial proves who is trustworthy and who betrayed their faction and join the fight against Abnegation willingly. My trial was first due to my interference with the main program of the control serum, during which my Divergent status came out but none seemed bothered by it. After three hours of questioning in front of all the factions I was deemed innocent and placed, temporarily, in charge of Dauntless deemed the only one safe enough to trust and qualified. After mine was Tobias' who was also found innocent but refused to become a leader. Next was Will, who was still recovering from the shot in the shoulder I gave him. Then Christina, Zeke, and Uriah. In both Will and Christina's trail it was discovered that they both had been under the serum tasked with finding me since Jennine already believed of my Divergence full heartedly. What really surprised everyone is that both Zeke and Uriah admitted to being Divergent while under the serum. When they were both release of it's effects they left to an empty hall and talked, probably about how neither one told the other about their Divergence. From personal experience I know it's something you seriously debate about with yourself. After all of us they dragged out Max for the last trial of the day. To everyone's surprise Max, the ruthless and terrifing leader Max, had been under the serums effect for an entire year and remembered nothing but bits and pieces of what had happened while under its control.

The next day Max's wife, Helen, who had been found locked in their apartment during the attack on Abnegation, was next. She also had no idea of what had happened but had noticed the difference in her husband over the year but shrugged it off as stress. Both were released as innocent.

Most of the other leaders were removed after being discovered to have known about Jeannine's plot and doing nothing but aiding her and dosing Max over the year. After four more trials the judge, Jack Kang, calls the court closed for the day.

The next day Alec, the newest leader in training, is led out and his trial is quickly finished, and he's released dubbed innocent. Once he's released I lead him to a seat and sit down as he takes my hand giving it a squeeze. He's still shaking with nerves. "That was very brave of you." He whispers as they begin to prepare for the next trial. News of my admittance had traveled fast and so had Zeke and Uriah's but for the most part things have remained the same as before, except with all the trials.

"I did what I had to for Dauntless and Abnegation." I offer softly not looking over at him.

"But still, you're stronger than most of us." Before I can counter his claim three loud thuds echo around the room and everyone falls silent. The last leader on trial is Eric. When I see him forced onto the stage I don't feel bad for him. I don't admit to myself that the grey jump suits all accused are shoved into makes him look terrible. When he limps forward to the center of the stage I don't wince and remember I shot him in the leg without batting an eye, and I definitely do not feel sorry for him when the bright lights hit him, and his pale skin seems even paler and the bags under his eyes seem to worsen.

"He looks like shit." He whispers to me and I nod my head a little.

I inhale sharply and out of the corner of my eye I see Alec glance at me worry glinting in his eyes. "Yeah." Eric stands tall his back straight and his eyes forward.

"Please state you're name for the records."

"Eric Ryan Coulter." He states firmly. He glances at no one. There's probably no one here for him.

"Were you working with Jeanine Matthews to up turn our government?"

"Yes." His voice his sharp but I can hear a hitch in it like he wants to say something else.

"Were you doing so willingly?"

It's silent as everyone waits for his answer. "No"

This is also posted on Fan fiction .net feel free to check it out there but there's not much of a difference.

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