She walked over to the right side of the room making an annoying clacking noise with her very tall black stilettos.

Ms.Summers was now sitting on top of my desk.

"My name is Natasha Lozano, and I love all things fashion and Makeup" I had no idea what to say, this isn't the first week of school everyone knows who I am.

"Hi Natasha. I love the beach." She winked and hopped off of my desk.

Did she see me at the beach with Michael? If she did I'm absolutely she couldn't have. Maybe she just loves the beach and happened to mention it while at my desk.

She went around the whole classroom and finally finished.

"Pay attention seniors! Senior Prom is this weekend so get those tickets! Any questions?"

"Yea, I got one miss." A boy from the back called out.

"Yes sir?" She smiled.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" He asked.

"No, I do not. But I have an eye out for someone." She blushed.

The boys chuckled,

"Baby, I'm flattered but let's keep it on the down low."

"You wish" She smirked just as the bell rang.

I need to leave this classroom right now, for some reason her presence is annoying.

"Uh Natasha could you stay back a minute?" Ms.Summers asked.

"Is everything okay Ms.Summers?" I asked.

"Do you have Mr.Allon towards the end of the day?"

"Yes..sixth period why?"

"Could you give this to him for me?" She said handing me a little white envelope.

"Yea sure" I said and put the envelope in my bag.

"Thanks, see in leaving early and won't get a chance to run by his classroom and-"

And blah blah blah, what is in that envelope?!

"It's no problem" I smiled once she was done blabbering.

"Here's a pass, have a good one Tasha." She said.

"I prefer Natasha please"

The only person that calls me Tasha is Chad..

You don't understand how badly I wanted to open that little envelope, what could be inside? A phone number? Or address?!

I need to stop.


It was lunch and I couldn't stop thinking about what could be in that envelope..I really wanted to know.

I ate my lunch quickly and went to my locker to switch out my books.

When I opened my locker a note fell out..I picked up the orange piece of paper and put it in my pocket figuring it was from Mr.Allon. I looked into my lockers mirror towards his classroom door and he was there. Michael winked at me and then walked towards the doors of the hallway.

"Oh Michael!" I yelled and immediately covered my mouth.

He stopped at the hallway door.

"Mr.Allon!" I called out.

I closed my locker and jogged up to him.

"Ms.Lozano" He nodded.

"Uh I have something for you" I said unzipping my backpack,

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