Bella shook her head quickly, and leaned across the couch, placing a hand on his arm, he was always so warm, she could feel his skin burning under her hand. "He will not. I won't allow it-". She wouldn't allow it. Her eyes flicked to his face, waiting for his reaction.

He cut her off, shaking her hand off. "You won't allow it?" His head tipped to the side. "What would you do about it Bella?" His lips pursed, "Tell him no?" A sarcastic smirk pulled at the side of his lip, and Bella tried not to be hurt by his tone of voice.

Bella jutted out her chin. "That's exactly what I'd do. Paul loves me, he won't hurt you." Flushed cheeks stood out in comparison to her pale skin, and Jacob sighed. "Alright, Bella. If you say so, but don't say I didn't warn you when he kicks the shit out of me." The muscles in the side of his neck flexed, but his features had relaxed, he looked more like the Jake that Bella knew and loved.

Bella shifted her seat, moving to the couch he sat on, and he didn't flinch away when she put her hand on his arm. "I love you Jake." In a split second his thick arms wrapped around her, and while it was a little too tight, she didn't complain. She loved his hugs, and it had been so long since they'd been able to embrace.

"He's just trying to protect me-". She told him when they broke the hug, Bella snuggling in beside him on the couch.

"That's what we're all trying to do, Bella." Jacob told her with a sigh. "You know, I'm surprised he let you out today by yourself, honestly."

Bella tipped her head to the side, watching him, long lashes fluttering. "Why?"

He looked surprised, "He didn't mention? There was a sighting of Victoria nearby, and it looked like she was on the Cullen's side, and since we can't communicate with them-" he shrugged, raising both palms in front of him. "It's led some to believe they might have an alliance."

Bella sat up sharply, shock radiating across her face. "The Cullen's would never side with her. They wouldn't betray us all like that."

Jacob chuckled. "I think you're giving the blood suckers more credit then they're due, Bella. Did you forget they abandoned you?"

Tears pricked behind her eyes at his words, and she shook her head rapidly. "There's no way. It goes against everything they stand for. They'd never do it."

Jacob shrugged, "Well. It's just a thought. Until we can establish communication with the Cullen's again, we don't know what to expect." He pressed his back into the cushion, and his features were unreadable. "Edward could have formed an alliance with her, to get back at you."

Bella didn't know what to say, and for a second, she sat silently. "He wouldn't do that? Would he?"

Jacob laughed, but he didn't find it funny. "Bella, they're vampires. What do you think? They'd take the side of a human over another vampire? They can't help their nature."

Staring at her knees, Bella's thoughts spun a million times a minute. "Well, if you saw her on their side, it doesn't mean they have an alliance. It just means that she could have just crossed the border?"

Jacob sighed, but gave a proper answer. "It's a possibility. The issue is, we didn't come across any of the Cullen's while we were patrolling. Generally, we see them on their side. So, they possibly could have missed her, but with the psychic blood sucker, it's a thin possibility. The other is that they were gone, also possible, or thirdly, that they know she's there." His chin jutted out. "Which leads us to believe they could be plotting an attack."

Bella frowned. "They've lived here so long, and respected the border. Why would they throw it all away?"

He rubbed her shoulder gently, and Bella appreciated the touch. "Who knows, boredom, greed? Maybe they've reverted back to eating humans." Bella was shocked. Even the thought of Alice or Jasper eating humans again crushed her. She didn't know what to say. "I'll try and talk to them-" she nodded quickly, "Alice will tell me."

Jacob frowned, thick brows pushing together in concern, and his hand tightened on her shoulder. "You'll do no such thing. If you cross the border, and they aren't in league, we can't cross it to get you. You'll be defenceless. If you cross and they are in league, they'll kill you instantly. You can't do it, Bella."

She tried to shift under the weight of his hand. "So, what? We just sit here? Waiting? Hoping they aren't working together while I wait to be possibly eaten by numerous hungry, scorned, vampires?" Bella's face hardened, "I'm not an invalid, Jacob."

He sighed, and his fingers relaxed. "Of course you're not, Bella. But you don't have the strength."

Bella heaved a sigh, relaxing back into his crooked arm. He wasn't wrong. What was she going to do against an entire group of vampires, that possibly hated her? There had to be another way. She knew that Alice hadn't replied to her emails, so that was out of the question. She also knew she couldn't directly go to the house. There had to be some way to draw one of them out to talk. She'd have to think about it.

Bella let it go, for now, until she could formulate a good plan. She spent the rest of the day with Jacob, laughing and talking, and filling him in on her relationship with Paul. He wasn't upset when she talked about it, he understand imprinting, and having Bella back as a friend had filled a hole in his heart that had been there since she had left. It was a beautiful day, and when Bella headed home she felt so much lighter. She had some serious questions for Paul when she arrived however, and she'd already started to formulate a plan of how to draw out a Cullen.

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