Chapter Four:

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Paul smiled. She was so innocent. It warmed him up to know that everyone in the world wasn't as cranky and bitter as him. She brought out the good in him, and that made him love her even more.

"You're sure it's not just because my fur is brown?" He asked with a wink, and a laugh. It was Bella's turn to giggle, and nod. "Sure, that's it."

They pulled into the diner, and both got out of the car, Paul offering Bella his arm as she walked around the front of the truck, and they headed inside. People noticed them walking together, but it wasn't a big deal. Gossip would probably be spread around later, but as of right now, everyone was munching on their toast and bacon.

"Sit wherever you'd like, hun-" the busy waitress called, in the middle of filling up an older couples coffee mugs, pencil struck through the bun in her hair like someone out of a movie.

"I want a booth-" Bella told Paul, and tugged him toward a semi deserted corner of the diner, in a little booth in the corner. They squeezed in, and Paul was reminded about how much he hated diner booths. He hated the vinyl seats, and the squishy table, and the high backs. Basically everything about them, he despised. His brow furrowed as they sit, and his seat squeaked as he got comfy.

"Do you not like the booth?" Bella asked, looking at his furrowed brow. He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't like feeling confined, I prefer tables." Paul had a bad habit about over reacting about things that didn't really bother him that much, and this was one of them. They sat in silent for a second, listening to the sound of Sherri by Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons play in the mostly fifties themed diner.

"I love this song." Paul spoke suddenly, interrupting the silence, and surprising Bella. "You.. like this song?" It was something she thought was really out of place. She wasn't really sure what music she pictured him listening to, maybe something like 'Smack That' by Akon, but definitely not something like this.

Paul shrugged and chuckled. "What can I say, I'm a romantic at heart I guess." It was then that the waitress brought over the menu's and they looked over them, Bella chewing her lower lip, Paul semi scowling at the menu. He couldn't help it, he had natural resting bitch face.

"I don't know what to get-" Bella half muttered, talking to herself more than she was talking to Paul.

"Get the Big Bopper". He answered in a split second. "Two sausages, three slices of French toast, one slice of back bacon, three eggs, and two slices of bacon." He almost drooled at the thought. It was definitely what he was getting, anyway.

Bella laughed, "Why don't you just order a whole horse and eat it?" Sticking her tongue out at Paul so that he knew she was joking, she continued looking at the menu.

"A whole deer is more my speed," He grinned, enjoying their time out together as he set down his menu.

Rolling her eyes at his joke, she chose her breakfast. "I'll get waffles and berries."

He cocked and eyebrow. "What about meat?" It was something he included in most of his meals.

She shook her head. "I'm not a big meat eater, mostly just for dinner." It was true. Fish was the only exception, because Charlie always brought home fish he caught.

Paul stared at her with an open mouth. "We're going to change that, don't worry". He lived his days eating fish, venison, duck, rabbit, beef, and pork. The only think he didn't eat a lot of was chicken, but he loved it all the same.

The waitress came over, and they ordered their food, Bella getting a hot chocolate, while Paul ordered a tall glass of orange juice. Bella stirred the whipped cream into the drink before she drank it, and Paul watched her, mesmerized.

"I can't help it, I've got a sweet tooth." She told him before sucking the spoon clean and setting it on her napkin. He could think of other things he wanted her to suck right now. He was obsessed with her lips.

Their food came soon, and they laughed and talked through the whole meal. Paul learned her favourite bands, her favourite books, the fact that she badly wanted the side of her nose pierced but no one wanted to go with her, and that she kept trying to write poetry but the words just weren't there. He was madly in love with her, and everything she said. She was like an angel.

When they left, he drove them to a secluded area of the forest, where they had sex in the backseat of the car, while Roxette's 'Dangerous' played over the radio. It was a good song to nut to, Paul decided, and he downloaded it after he got home. Bella made him crazy, and the song fit into that theme. She wasn't physically dangerous, but the way she made him feel was dangerous.

He'd fight the leech she'd been dating before, if he ever came back. Paul wasn't worried about it. He'd have to. After he'd gotten home, he received a message from Sam, telling him to come and meet with the others.

The cold ones are back

Paul's heart skipped a beat.

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