Chapter 10

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*Celine Dion, The Boss POV*

It was dinner time and everybody was at the table.

Everybody was enjoying their meal.

After the meal, I decided that it was time for RC to talk to me and Rene.

"So............R.C, don't you have something to tell papa?", I said while motioning him to come over.

"Tell me what?", said Rene

"Oh, come on mom!!"

"Come here!"


"Right, Rene, you remember that girl he was with? "

"Hmmmm, which girl??"

"You know, THAT girl?"

"........................Nope, doesn't ring any bells"

"Hmmmm, that girl whom he was ALL over with?"

"OH! That girl! Yeah, why??"

"Apparently, they're in a relationship, without even letting us know!" I said while giving RC a stern look.

"Wow! Looks like we got a player in our family!", said Rene while giving RC a high five.

"WHAT? Rene??", I said with disbelief.

"Come on Celine, I think you're a little over reacting. He's a teenager, being in relationships is a normal thing. It's not like you haven't been in one when you're in that age?"

I could not believe what I was hearing.

"So you're siding with him on this??!!!"

"Celine, it's just a normal thing!!!"

"Normal?? Since when was this normal??!!"

R.C was standing in a corner looking lost.

"Rene, I'm not sure what's gotten into your head. But thinking that having a relationship at this age is normal??!!"

"My gosh, it's not a big deal!!! Why are you making it into such a big fuss??!!"

"I'm now not only disappointed with R.C, but also with you!!!"

Before I knew it, I stormed into my bedroom and slammed the door.

What in the world was Rene thinking?

Saying that's it's okay to have a relationship at this age in front of R.C?!

I was furious at him!!

Argh! Celine calm down!

I decided to cool down by taking a long and warm shower.

While in the shower, I was recollecting on what Rene said.

"Come on Celine, I think you're a little over reacting. He's a teenager, being in relationships is a normal thing. It's not like you haven't been in one when you're in that age?"

He doesn't know that I was lonely when I was his in R.C's age.

He doesn't know that I wasn't loved by anybody in school.

The ugly duckling as they call me.

All those bad memories start pouring back into my mind during those schooling days.

I remember back when I was in the 9th grade, a guy fooled me into thinking that he liked me.

And I fell for it.

And because of that, I had embarrassed myself when he ditched me during the school prom.

All on purpose!

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