Yui's love

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After they finally become one with each other things between them began to be more clear. Kaname didn't have to hide his emotions nor did he have to hold back his strength and Yui was happy once again but they both knew something was bound to happen to make things a little difficult. The council found about their affair which both of them held a party to straighten things out and be in the opened.

Kaname stood before every one and then made announcement:

(Kaname) " My Fellow Vampires as your King I know this may seem very strange for all of us but Yui is Yuki's sister and the one I love so whether you approve or not she's the one I want to be by my side"

(Yui) " I know you are all upset because I'm both a hunter and vampire but this is our choice to be together so in the matters of the heart We have chosen to take this step because we love each other."

(Kaname) " I know things didn't work out with your previous Queen Yuki but Yui has changed my life and I don't want there to be no secrets among us so this is Yui Kiryu . She is a blood doctor and my new bride as well as my soul mate"

After the party settled down then everyone had left it was just Yui and Kaname in the ballroom. Yui pulled Kaname into an embrace then she spoke:

(Yui) " you know Kaname if you wanted me to marry you it would have been easier to just ask me"

(Kaname)" Oh.. right I'm sorry .. but when it comes to vampires things get serious rather quickly when it comes to these sort of things and I didn't want anyone else to have you"

(Yui) " Hahaha.. Kaname I love you..but announcing me as your bride before even telling me was a little over the top"

(Kaname) " Oh well I had planned to ask you tonight before we had to tell all the  Vampire nobles"

(Yui) " Wait you were serious..I would be glad to be your future wife but I have a bad feeling something is going happen especially since you told everyone we are together"

(Kaname)" I know but Yui Remember this you mean the world to me and I don't want you to have to be unhappy again."

(Yui) " I am happy..I just don't want us to jinx what we already have"

Kaname and Yui kissed unaware that a few someone's were watching them which made them break apart looking around. Kaname and Yui could feel eyes on them but it was hard to pinpoint the exact location so they ignored it for the moment.  Kaname's announcement made a few envious people very anger and Yui could tell something major was going to happen but she waited to see who would be foolish enough to go against their kings word.

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