“Macy you can’t hide stuff from me, I can tell when your upset so spill.” Macy gave me the I-don’t-know-what-you’re-talking-about look, she is terrible at lying.

“Tatum, nothing’s wrong I’m really happy for you. I’m so  damn happy,” She whispered the last part. I would get this out of her sooner or later.

"Thanks Mac, but I'm still mad at you," I joked. Macy's face fell instantly, it's Liam. He called the Mac what the hell happened with those two?

"Macy..." I started. She shook her head and looked away from me.

"I miss him," she whispered. I looked at her and pulled her into one of my award winning bear hug. At least I was told it’s great.

"Macy, what happened?" I pulled away from her and let her explain. She opened her mouth to explain and I kept quiet and just listened.

By the time she was done explaining her little cat fight with Liam I was surprised. Those two never fought, and I never knew Liam as a guy who would move that fast in a relationship, wait would Niall do this too?

I shook the feeling off, and told her some of my best advice.

"I'm going to get your favorite ice cream and some movies! Is This Means War ok with you? “I asked.

"Yeah, thanks for listening. Oh that movie with Reese Witherspoon!? We didn't get to see that yet, hell yeah!" she cheered. I smiled and pulled her into one last hug before leaving.

"Oh and Tay," she said using my nickname. "You're my bestest friend ever!" she said laughing at her incorrect grammar.

Wow my best friend and I am weirdo’s.


The next morning I woke up with a tangled mess of hair and a snoring Macy beside me. Wow she really needs to get Liam back. She's falling apart, and I'm saying that because I'm her best friend.

Last night we watched too many movies to count and ate all the ice cream our stomachs could hold. Over all it was a really good sleepover without the boy drama.

Pulling out some knots in my hair I looked at the time.

"Holy shit its 2 p.m.!" I yelled prancing around my room getting ready for the day. Tonight I had work and I really wanted to do some things today. Macy came running into the room pulling on her work shirt and brushing her blonde hair. She put light make up on, and cursed at her freaked face. She always hated those, but Liam loved them.

"Tatum, I have work! I have to go I’ll see you tonight for a bit 'til my shift ends! Bye!" she said running out of the house work shoes in her hand. We both worked at the same restaurant, but our boss had to be a douche and put us on different shifts.

I decided to put myself to good use and clean my filthy house. I never liked it dirty, but cleaning was a pain in the ass.

Just as I finished wiping the windows down, my phone rang.


"Hey Tatum, it's Niall, uh, I... Was wondering... Doyouwanttogetsomeicecresm?" He talked so fast I could tell he was nervous, and to be honest so was I. Niall actually liked me enough to call me, Macy was right, he liked me. My stomach had a stupid tingle in it. What the fuck was that?

"Yeah sure I'll be ready," I said smiling into the phone.

"Ok I'll be down," he said hanging up. I smiled a huge full blown smile. What the hell was that, it's just ice cream Tatum it’s not like your getting married?

I quickly changed into a pair of jeans and a shirt, since I was still wearing old cleaning clothes. I look into the mirror let my hair down and yet to go open the knocking door.

As soon as I saw the cute boy with the crooked teeth I smiled and shut my door behind me walking off with him.

"Hi Niall," I waved. Wow I'm so bad at this. I probably look like a freaking retarded penguin.

Niall grinned from ear to ear, and oh my god was he cute. "Hi Tatum," he smiled. I laughed and lingered my hand on the ice cream parlor door. Niall quickly jumped in front of my and held it open, something Finn would never do.

"After you, beautiful," He grinned. I smiled and went into the ice cream parlor.

I could get used to this Irish blonde cutie.


Hey readers!<3

Just so you know this chapter was written by me, Julie :) Got permission from Lindsay, a.k.a Linds. Hehe call her that!

So I’m sorry to say that this Saturday I will not be on ‘til the following week: O I know, I’m terrible, BUT I have to go to some camp, and it’s for little kiddies so I have a good cause!

This is all Tatum’s POV and I think we are going back to the way before next chapter (:

Vote+ Comment= cote (: Learned that from Slim_Shady! Go check out Bad Boy Cupid & Me! Really good story!

Bye babeesss!

Sparks Fly: Niall Horan & Liam Payne Fan FictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora