Chapter 24 (1st Draft)

Start from the beginning

Ace and Jacob, unwilling to let her go and a bit choked up with emotion, opted to just squeeze her more tightly and nod their heads. Penn petted their backs and smiled up at Troy, who was watching her with great intensity.

Penn was a little puzzled by the strange look in his eye. She was unsure whether he was pleased or displeased with her reaction to the boys. Had he wanted her to be tough with them? Was he disappointed she did not scold them? Certain she had made the right decision, she chose to ignore the look in his eye and just concentrate on the boys for a moment despite her sudden confusion.

"And," she asked softly, "have you forgiven yourselves yet?" The two clung to her tightly and shook their heads no. Penn smiled softly at their heads as she gave them a final squeeze before letting them go.

"Well then, I've been told that the best kind of apology is changed behaviour. So, instead of beating yourselves up about this, you'll just have to make sure you do better in the future."

She pushed both boys away from her but kept her bandaged hands on their shoulders. Neither boy looked up. Penn wanted to laugh. They really were stubborn. Here she was trying to forgive them and let them off the hook and they continued to condemn themselves.

"And," she said in a slightly sever tone, "if you beg me to punish you, then your punishment is that you must look me in the eye, always. No more bowing your heads in shame." She waited a moment as the boys first looked at each other and then tentatively up at Penn.

In a softer voice she said, "My word is my bond, Ace and Jacob. If I say you are forgiven, then you are and you never need to fear otherwise. Understood?" She watched the boys' eyes fill with tears that they bravely blinked back as they nodded their heads in unison.

Penn gave them a toothy smile and said, "That's better."

The boys sniffled a bit, wiped at their eyes and noses suddenly, and then found it in them to smile back at her.

Penn gave them a curt nod and tucked her bandaged hands behind her back. She looked briefly at Troy, not sure what to expect, but was relieved to find him looking at her quite tenderly. The soft expression in his eyes, which was every bit a mystery to her as the intense look he had earlier, was, at least, easier on her mind. And, she was glad he seemed to approve of her handling of the boys. 

Looking back at Ace and Jacob, she asked, "Who is hungry?"

This brought grins out on both boys' faces. Penn laughed out loud.

"Well, then, lets see if supper is ready, shall we?"

Penn was sure it was supper time. For one, the fight had broken out at the end of the afternoon and, two, Penn's own stomach was starting to growl.

She pushed the two boys to go ahead and find out if the cook was ready for them. When they broke away from her, they were instantly swarmed by half of the other pups, who were eager to hug them and love on them. The other half came directly to Penn and did the same as they worried over her hands.

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