Chapter 7: I Am Not

Start from the beginning

"A restraining order?" I questioned as my eyes became glossy. "I love you endlessly and this is what I get in return? After everything!" She jumped when I raised my voice as she shook her head.

"This is to assure that you'll leave me and him alone. Work on yourself, get help, make music and forget about me." She shrugged. "We're not good for each other anyway." She mumbled the last part.

I clenched my jaw in attempt to suppress the anger that was raising. It felt like I was blindly punched in the gut since after all this time I would've never seen this coming. Every time we met up we'll express our love for one another or make love like no tomorrow and not once did she appear unhappy.

"You know it won't be that easy." I spoke through gritted teeth as my anger started to convert into sadness. "And if you truly love me like you say you do, you won't do this. I'm begging you not to give up on me. Not to let us go."

I bit my inner cheek as she shook her head and turned her back to me. For the second time in ten minutes, she broke my heart into pieces. This time it felt like she literally took a part of me and killed it.

"Please leave."

"Robyn.." I sighed.

"Go before I call security." Her voice came off sternly.

I clenched my jaw as my feet made the decision for me. Without even thinking, I was outside of her hotel room and in the elevator. All I kept replaying were her words towards me and all the other nights when we were together. I swore everything was perfect; we even made music together. I confided to her about my high temper and she even console me through it all.

I huffed as my vision was clouded with red as my blood boiled. I tried to control my breathing as my fist end up connecting with the wall causing a small dent. I was so furious that the pain in my right hand only made me angrier. I jogged my way out of the lobby and out towards my lambo where I searched in the glove compartment for some pills. I needed something or anything to ease what I was feeling.

I popped the last two Xanax as I felt myself slowly starting to calm down. From there on, I blacked out for most of the night.


After TJ escorted Genesis out the room, I took that as my opportunity to sneak out. My skin was crawling after taking a few percocets and all my mind and energy was on Robyn. I kept up with the blogs and I know exactly who she supposedly went out with and I felt played.

Taking my phantom, I drove to the hotel she has been staying at. Since she currently only has a place in New York and Barbados, she stays in hotels everywhere else. I sped down the highway while downing my own personal bottle of Hennessy. I was so elevated that I couldn't even park straight when I pulled in. I quickly hopped out the car and basically ran to the elevator going up to the VIP floor.

"Robyn, open up!" I yelled while banging on the hotel door. "Babe it's me. I just wanna talk."

The pounding on the door sound like thunder all throughout the hall so I'm pretty sure everyone could hear me. But I didn't care about none of that.

"Go away." She sighed.

"Baby, please. D-don't do this to me." I slurred as my head started to spin. "I had plans for us."

"Excuse me, but it is going on midnight. Can you take your problems somewhere else?" A elderly aged man came out of his room in his robe.

"Man then take you ass to bed. I don't give a fuck what time it is." I growled while flicking him off.

His eyes widen as he shook his head. "We'll see when I call the owner."

I shook my head and continued knocking on the door, "Rih just please let me in."

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