"We have to travel to another pack today." Damon says, holding my hand.

"Why? If you don't mind me asking." I ask, we've spent a month together but I'm in awe that I get to call this man my mate, i think it will always feel surreal.

"It's my uncle's pack, I'm thinking about having him or my cousin take over the pack when we leave." He states, I've heard him talking about "who's gonna take over the pack?" with his father before but I didn't think they had any candidates yet.

"Oh, okay, how long will we be there?" I say, the pack house coming into view.

"A few days, it's far away and we may have to negotiate with them." He says. "If you don't want to come, you don't have to."

"Of course, I want to come." I smile, we get close to the pack house. A few pups running around in front yard, a few mothers watching from the porch. I love the pack house, seeing all the families, all together, living happily. It's nothing like the kingdom and I think that's why I like it.

We walk into the pack house and towards the dinning hall. A few people are shocked to see us and a few were expecting it. Damon takes his seat at the head of the table and I take mine to his right. Across from me is Daniel, who gives me a kind smile. Breakfast went well, it was delicious as always, whenever I get the chance, I thank the kitchen staff.

Damon and I head to back to our house, to pack what we need for the trip. Daniel is staying here to watch over the pack since Damon's parents are coming with us. I pack a few outfits in a small suitcase and pack all my necessities. Once I'm ready to go, Damon walks out of the bathroom, freshly shaved and showered. His hair is still wet, making him look 10 times hotter.

"Are you ready to go?" He asks, zipping up his duffel bag.

"Yep." I say, grabbing my suitcase, I start to walk down the stairs, when I'm stopped and my suitcase is taken out of my hands. Damon leaves me at top of stairs, as he carries my bag down the stairs and out the front door. I follow him outside, seeing a expensive looking car. Damon is putting our bags in the trunk, I see Kathryn, Damon's mother, and Bradley, Damon's father. We're riding with them, since it will be less of a hassle.

"Hello, Aria." Kathryn smiles at me, she comes up and gives me a hug.

"Good to see you, Kathryn." I say, she always insists that I call her by her first name, which seems disrespectful but I'd be disrespecting her if I didn't.

"We better get going, it a long ride." Damon says, walking over to us. He grabs my hand, pulling me towards the car. We take the backseat while Damon's parents sit in the front. As we begin our journey, we stay in a comfortable silence, Damon playing with my fingers, I lay my head on his shoulder.

We drive for a few hours, through the forest, we stop to get gas and a few snacks. I walk into the gas station with Kathryn, I grab whatever looks good, I'm not really used to junk foods. We rarely had it in the kingdom and I've only seen some of this stuff in the pack house. Damon asked for a 'coca-cola and Doritos' but I have no clue what those are.

"Kathryn, do you mind helping me get what Damon wants? I'm not sure what they are." I ask, holding some Oreos, a food that was always at the pack house, and a bag of chips that looked good.

"Sure, honey, what did he want?" She says, she is so sweet, she must have been an amazing Luna.

"He asked for 'coca-cola and Doritos'." I say, trying to remember his exact words.

"Alrighty, have you never had a coke before?" She asks, walking over to a fridge.

"No, the castle hardly ever has junk food of any sorts." I state, watching as she grabs two red bottles,

"Well, now you get to try it." She smiles, then she grabs a red bag of chips and heads to the cashier. "All of this, please."

She pays for the snacks, and carry it back to the car, I slide in the back with Damon. I give him the food and he thanks me. Damon and I start watching a movie on his laptop, both of us with one earphone in. I snack on the food while watching, I taste the coke and have to say, it pretty good. Halfway through the movie I fall asleep, when I wake up, I find myself laying on Damon's lap. I look up at him to find him with his eyes closed but running his fingers through my hair. I slowly sit up, I look out the window to see a huge gate coming up.

"Damon, get up!" I whisper-yell at him, his eyes shot open, but then he sees where we are and calms down. "Are we there?"

"Yep, now I'm going back to sleep." He says, laying his head on my lap, dozing off.


Wow! That took me a long time to finish! Sorry it took so long!!

Do you guys have any suggestions?

Any thoughts?

Anything you want to see?

Word count: 1484

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