Thor understood immediately who Tony was talking about. His gut dropped.

"She was blonde, was she not?" Tony turned to stare at Thor in shock.

This god knew who she was?

He nodded slowly.

Thor closed his eyes. "That explains quite a bit." He sighed. "The girl you shot, is very close with Perseus. Killing Annabeth will not bode well with him."

"How close are we talking?" Bruce asked.

"Girlfriend. Practically inseparable. Or they were." Thor trailed off. "Tony, I would not recommend seeing Percy right now. He is more likely to kill you than accept your forgiveness, regardless of whatever her own intentions were. Especially now."

"So you do know where he is." Clint stated, arms crossed and bearing a dark look on his face.

Thor hesitated. "Yes."

"Well if he's unstable then why did you leave him with Loki of all people!?" Clint yelled, losing his composure.

"Loki is capable of defending Perseus. To irritate those whom Perseus descends from would not be wise and Loki understands this." Thor defended.

"Loki is a god, like you. What makes Prince Perseus' parents oh-so threatening?" Steve butted in.

Thor sighed. It seemed he had been doing much of that recently. The Norse decided it might be time to reveal the truth about Perseus. If they were going to be dragged into this- which they surely would be- then they deserved to know. "Perseus and I have not been entirely honest with you about his heritage."

They were silent, waiting for the god to continue.

"Yes, it is true that Perseus is a prince, but not in the same way as for you midgardians. It is in the same way as I am a prince. Perseus is a Prince of Poseidon."

They blinked at him, uncomprehending. If fact, a couple of them had forgotten the burly Norse was a prince in the first place.

"Perseus is the only demigod son of Poseidon to currently exist. Poseidon as in the Greek God of the Seas, among other things. His power over liquid was inherited, as is his sword, Riptide. He is a war hero, and a legend." Personally, Thor had been expecting a bigger reaction than the crickets he was almost positive he could hear in the background.

"So what you're saying..." Tony said slowly, "... is that Percy is the son of a Greek god... and Fury has control of those Greek gods." The blackmail that created the Avengers and Percy's meeting surfaced in his mind.

"Yes. Or at least, formerly, until a few hours ago." Thor said, recalling how not too long ago, Thor had stormed into the directors office and thoroughly 'negotiated' with him regarding the blackmail. "Unlike we Norse, the Greeks are far more secretive."

"We're talking about the same guy here right? The same blue-cookie-obsessed guy with a flare for pissing everyone off, right?" Although it was hard to wrap their minds around it, it did match up. It wasn't so hard when you recall Thor's love of pop-tarts either.

"The question is, how did Fury even discover them? How did he gain such a hold over them?" Natasha inquired.

"I am uncertain of the full details, but I believe there was a mole among the children of the Olympians. He was working for an enemy of SHIELD and was captured. That's where Fury gained his information. Until Perseus broke him out."

The dead blonde boy that had been hovering around Perseus at the time came to their minds.

He was the mole?

"And the girl?" Steve asked.

"Is a daughter of Athena. They've been to hell and back together. And I do mean it quite literally."

Things were slotting into place. The odd things about the prince were suddenly making sense.

"But that still doesn't answer one of our questions. Where is he?"

Thor hesitated on this one. As much as he'd love to tell them, they'd probably go charging straight in. Although that may be a favourite tactic of his, it was the not the right time for that. "That group of children we met a while back, the ones in the place of drinking coffee, they were also demigods. They've captured Perseus and are currently using him for their own means."

There was nothing more Thor would say on it, and nothing more the Avengers could do to make him elaborate.

Eventually they gave in.

"Alright then, if what you're saying is true, then how do we get him back?"


This is probably one of the chapters I've been least motivated to write. Took me foreeeever.

Shay is officially confirmed to be dead, and yes, Annabeth killed her own half brother.

Fun fact: I've never actually had pop-tarts before.



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