Rise Wufan

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Dear Wufan.

Hey Mr. Galaxy. It's been a long time huh? How are you? I guess you're doing fine now. Know what oppa? I opened my twitter account today then I was surprised to see that you're going to be an actor now. I'm happy for you :) you're now in big screen. I'm looking forward to your acting. I heard there's a kissing scene ey? >·< I'm jealous oppa kekekeke~ nevermind that.

I heard that the lawsuit is still in process. Don't stress yourself too much oppa, take a rest. Just believe, and whatever the result is I will still support you. You're our galaxy oppa and we are the universe.  We will protect you :)))

Aaaaack! I heard your voice oppa! (w^w)/ sugoiiiiiiii! You are really the main vocalist of EXO. Kris oppa, jjang! Oppa is so awesome.  He can dance, sing, rap and of course oppa's an artist ^^. Aye aye Kris oppa, we miss your drawings. Can you draw for us? Like you always do :D

Till next time oppa :)

-EXO fan.

Dear EXOOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora