Chapter One

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Hi, all I'm trying something new with this one, so the small series begins.

The day came for Azuchi's Princess to return from her month-long stay at various houses. She had traveled all over Nobunaga's territories along with his allies as a show of good faith and to bring luck to all she met. She was known as Nobunaga's good luck charm. The castle had been the same as if she was there, but it wasn't the same, at all. The men who frequented it daily had seen the changes. Small things like the flowers weren't matched well, or the scent in the air wasn't as pleasant. It also wasn't so bright there anymore. Hideyoshi had sent out a party of scouts to see if she was close enough yet. Masamune had begun his food preparations for the feast that would follow her return. Ieyasu had of course taken to insults, but if you looked carefully, he showed his affection in his eyes. Mitsunari had made a complete and complex history of each of the places she went to so he could talk with her about every detail. Nobunaga's face relaxed for the first time in weeks. It was his idea to send her out on this trip, and within a week he regretted it. He got more and tenser as the time went on and soon he would snap because he was wound up so tight. Mitsuhide acted like he had not noticed she was gone.

The scouts came back with huge grins as her party trailed behind them. She was on her own horse as it ambled through the town. She smiled one of her bright smiles glad to be home. She looked up at the castle, home, she thought. Her tour had been a thing Nobunaga had come up with quickly and organized it without her knowledge. She wasn't happy about the idea or the lack of thought she might care; however it had given her a chance to see the country. She was not from Japan and happened through the wormhole by chance while on a business trip. She had made her choice to stay with them instead of going back as did her traveling companion who resided with their former enemies and was employed as a ninja. They, the two of them, had made a pact to remain friends even though their own allies were enemies. She had been grateful for that and still was. She was looking forward to getting off this horse and back to the castle when a huge party also blocked the castle gates. She went around them to their disgust and hopped off her horse as everyone who had begun to attend the other party came to welcome her home. The three men and four women glared daggers at the Princess but noticed as all did she had European features not Japanese and they all thought she might be an ally here amongst the foreigners.

She got to the audience hall and quickly walked in. She walked into Hideyoshi's arms without even realizing it. It was like a brick wall had appeared and then hugged her. The others crowded around her, and she could see the happiness in her return in all their faces. The only one who didn't act happy was Mitsuhide who seemed withdrawn and impervious to her arrival. They told her of another royal family who would be staying with them for a month or so and hoped it wouldn't be to much trouble for her to get back to work five minutes ago. She of course smiled and left the room to go work her magic and prepare for their guests. It was pitch black when she was done and still travel wary she went to her room to fall asleep when one of Nobunaga's personal pages had arrived with a

message for her. She was to be in the audience hall at noon dressed in something fitting her station. Her station, she thought, a Princess every modern girls dream, well almost every one. She had the dress that Masamune had made for her from some of the sketches in new notepad. That was fitting of her station she mused as she glanced over the beautiful creation. With that, she fell asleep for the first time without any worries about the next day.

She woke late. It was nearly noon already, and no one had thought to wake her as they all felt she needed her rest from all her travels. She rushed putting on the formal dress and began tying her hair up in a simple knot. She wore no makeup as she didn't think any of the colors suited her light tone. She moved out of her room and down the hall as people saw her they all bowed to her as if she was an unknown person of royalty. She finally got to the audience hall after nearly running into all the household staff. It was well into the afternoon, and she could hear Nobunaga dismiss her absence to the waiting party as if it was a regular thing. She opened the door, and all eyes went to her. She smiled her usual bright smile and made her way to the dais on which Nobunaga sat on. She politely bowed to show her respect, and he motioned for her to join him one step up.

"Princess, Glad that you finally arrived."

"I am sorry for my delay. No one woke me."

She turned to look at the waiting assembly, her warlords all looked amazed at her in her formal dress, Masamune smiled even brighter because it was him who had it made for her. She nodded in his direction as to say thank you again. She faced the newcomers to the court. She began,"I am truly sorry for my lateness." She was surprised to hear her voice in English again. It took her by surprise. All the warlord's head snapped back to her and looked her over again.

"As you say, Princess of Azuchi. Your presence now is a warm welcome for all of us who haven't seen such a beautiful woman like yourself in a very long while." A man who seemed to be the leader of those standing before her said. "I am Henry. These are my children and friends. We wish to become allies with your Lord Nobunaga as the rules of this island."

"Does he know this?" She asked.

"I believe we will work out the terms during our stay. I personally hope to also work on our interpersonal terms as well during our stay."

She immediately shuttered at the last statement and the meaning behind it. Her warlords noticed as well as the members of his party. A few were livid turning bright red with either anger at her for visually being repulsed by his offer or at him for embracing himself before the Azuchi's Princess and its ruler, Nobunaga.

She glanced at Nobunaga after the translation had been given and his schooled features only showed a slight surprise. With the lifting of one eyebrow, he glanced back to his guests and said nothing. The other warlords saw red after the translation was done. All of then tensed this time even Mitsuhide reacted. The introductions went on for awhile while she was no longer paying attention she remembered all she knew of the English at that time and though she knew of his title he was not a relevant member of history. She planned to tell Nobunaga later of the English's tactics for becoming allies and then taking over a country to add to its empire. That would dramatically change history, and she couldn't allow such a change to happen. Two of the younger men and three of the young women all stood close whispering while staring at her. She felt the gaze and began to stare back. They all halted and started to act aloof, but she could see the calculations in their eyes. She wasn't the only one as Mitsuhide had noticed the exchange and he made his preparations mentally to find out what those five were plotting.

After the introductions were finally over, she felt herself slightly relax as some of the older members of the visiting party came to ask her questions about herself. She wasn't quite sure how to answer at first then realized she should just make something up because the truth was unbelievable and dangerous. She told them she also hailed from a small island which didn't interact much in the world stage and that her father had sent her to Nobunaga to act as his castles caretaker as an act of good faith between the countries. It seemed believable more so than the truth at least. She came from a country that was formerly a colony of England.

She walked out of the audience hall on Nobunaga's arm and quickly explained all she had gleaned from the encounter. She also reluctantly told him of her him to which he laughed and said she had done well. All the warlords had left in the twos while leaving the visitors to their own delight. A formal dinner was given that night and dragged on and on. She sensed more was happening then she could understand but kept her conversation going as was expected of her and she escaped to the room shortly after.

She was awakened by the sound of her door sliding softly. She was still half asleep when a hand closed of her mouth and whispered,"Don't make a sound Princess. Your life depends on it."

To be continued...

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