Chapter 13 (Yata POV)

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Yata had never left Saruhiko's side since he woke up, he felt uncomfortable when the blue left the room, the small males chest tightened and Munakata stood to his feet. "Shall we get started Yatagarasu?" The Blue king questioned and the shorter male gave a little nod. "Normally we would do this more ceremonial, but I have a meeting with the prime minister. I had Liuetenet Awashimi bring your saber and a uniform before you got here." The king nodded towards a small table with a saber laying across a nicely stack of the blues uniform which the spectacles wearing man grabbed and looked at the chestnut male.  "If you would kneel....Yatagarasu?" Yata's head snapped up and he swallowed hard. "S-Sorry..." He walked up to the king with trembling legs and easily fell down to one knee. Munakata then pulled his saber from its sheather and rested the covered blade on Yata's left shoulder. "Yatagarasu-" The small male suddenly stood and before the Blue King could say anything, the chestnut haired male ran out of Munakata's office.

He couldn't do it, he couldn't become an officer like him...He couldn't! He had to get back to Homra and apologize. He couldn't take down those guys by switching clans like that. He couldn't betray Mikoto! Yata spotted blue uniforms exiting rooms to see who was running, he didn't pay attention to faces, he just kept running. His chest screamed at him and his throat burned  for him to stop, but if he did....Suddenly he slammed into someone and the next thing he knew. He was falling backwards and his eyes saw more of that blue uniform, so much blue....Just before he hit the ground, he felt someone grab his right wrist and pull him up, he felt his face against a gray vest...It was warm and smelt like coffee, there was a hand behind his head as if telling him not to look around. He panted heavily into the warmth for several minutes until he finally was breathing normally and he looked up to see Saruhiko and he felt more relaxed. "Go back to them Misaki...That Red King of yours is waiting for you." The Third in command sighed and he dropped the hand that was on the back of the smaller males head, those blue eyes shot up and glared at his clanmates. "Don't you all have something better to do?" The male growled and Yata felt a small shiver go up his spine, he never looked back as he heard the doors close and he stood there in silence. "Misaki, you know you don't belong here. Go back to where you do belong.." It was odd hearing something like that come from such a cold man, the man he knew before they knew of the clans.... Yata didn't even feel his hand move when Saruhiko turned around to go and continue what he had been doing and it gripped the others blue coat. "Come with me...I don't want to be there without you.." He spoke barely a whisper as his hair shielded his eyes when he spoke and there was a long pause before he heard a familiar click of the others tongue and a answer. ".....Alright, let's get going..." 

The two walked into silence to the garage of Scepter 4, the garage was huge and lines with several vans and regular cars. Yata followed Saruhiko to a black stick-shift and after getting into the passenger seat with the Blue Clansmen in the driver seat. The two set off to the Red Clan base...Or bar. Yata was going to do this his way...It was better than becoming someone he was never meant to be. He was the Red Clan's Vanguard. That is where he belonged. When they got to the bar and out of the car. Yata hesitated as the images of the clan kicking him out appeared in his head and he lowered his gaze. The small male took in a deep breath and slowly let it out before walking to the door and opening the door and several thing hit him when he did; the sound of the bell, the smell of alcohol and a punch on the top of his head. Yata held his head. "What the hell-" Before he could finish a arm draped over his shoulder. "We knew you would come back, but you had be worried for a second there Yata.." Izumo spoke with a smile, a toothpick in his mouth as he spoke. "Mikoto, your Vanguard has returned." Yata looked around and he saw everyone in the clan there...And that is when it hit him, if he did go on with the thoughts he had, he would have made a huge mistake. This was his family. Mikoto was relaxing on the black leather couch. "Took you long enough." He sighed and he rose and walked next the the small male and placed his hand on the other's shoulder, returning the red flame to him and he left to the bar and sat on the stool. Yata did feel welcomed back and he looked out the window hoping to see Saruhiko, but him and the car was gone. He probably had work to be done...Yata bit his lip. "Is everything okay Misaki?" A soft voice spoke and Yata gave a small nod. "For now Anna.." 

{}A/N; I hope you guys like the little twist I added here, after a lot of thought. I couldn't just have Misaki Yata change clans like that, plus he would probably get kicked from the Blues since he likes to do what he wants. Thanks for reading and I'll be sure to write more when I can. {}

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