Chapter 4 Yata POV

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Yata saw the blue king, he didn't want to go through that again. "I-I said I know! Please not again.." He choked out, tears in his eyes. The vanguard whimpered and clenched his fist. "Yatagarasu, calm down. You're safe.." The blue king said, in an gentle tone, it wasn't formal like either Yata or Saruhiko were use to hearing. "Don't lie...Don't fucking lie.." Yata mumbled and Saruhiko sat on the end of his bed, keeping unfortunate distance from the changed red. "Misaki, we are not here to hurt you.." The blue clansmen tried to sound genuine about what he was saying, but he wasn't use to being that way. Yata continued to mutter that they were lying as if he were trying to convince himself that. "Fushimi-kun.." Yata saw Munakata nod to the door and Saruhiko stood from the bed, gave Yata a look that said 'sorry' and after the blue king walked out Saruhiko followed.

Yata bit his lip and moved to the side of the bed, painfully he moved the blanket only to see his legs bandaged up. Yata realized he couldn't moved them. 'W-what did they do to me?' He thought and tears fell from his tear-filled, hazel eyes. The vanguard couldn't leave, he couldn't escape from them.

Hurt CrowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora