Passing the Test

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As the sword was swung down it broke into thousands of little pieces that remained midair around Sinbad's head. He peeked his eye open and gasped in shock as he saw the floating pieces of metal. Sitting up he glanced around in confusion along with the rest of the crowd. Everyone watched in alarm as a giant storm cloud swirled just in front of the dock. Cale gently held out an arm to push Odette in with the rest of the crew, knowing Sinbad would want her protected. The cloud created a tornado down into the water that swirled upwards within the wind. Out of the mixture a giant Eris emerged, glaring down at Sinbad distastefully. Proteus stared in shock, pulling Marina back with him as Cale stepped even farther in front of Odette.

"How dare you." Eris growled, getting her face into Sinbad's who flinched backwards.

Sinbad backed up away from the giant goddess, staring at her in shock.

"Everything was going perfectly, and do this!!" Eris snarled, swiping the chopping block into the sea below.

"Eris, I don't understand." Sinbad told her in confusion.

"Don't play coy with me." Eris warned nudging him back with her fingers.

Eris gripped the edges of the dock and leaned forward menacingly.

"Maybe you can fool these people, but I know who you are. You're a selfish, unprincipled liar!" Eris glared.

Sinbad's confusion cleared as he thought about why she was so angry.

"Wait a minute....I didn't lie...I came back." Sinbad realized with a grin.

Sinbad shot a glance back at Odette who beamed in realization.

"That's why you're here, this is all part of your test. I told the truth." Sinbad continued smugly.

Eris rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"And wasn't there something about being bound for all eternity?" Sinbad asked pointedly.

Eris straightened up, revealing the 'X' still marked on her collarbone. She growled, holding up a fist above him. The godess brought it towards him a couple times, grunting in effort, obviously wanting very much to squash him. Everyone watched the two worriedly. With a reluctant sigh Eris unfurled her fingers and held out the book of peace to Sinbad. He gently took it from her, running his fingers across the cover.

"Well, well, well, this has got to be a little embarrassing for you Eris." Sinbad looked up at her smugly.

Eris hummed.

"Don't push your luck Sinbad. You're cute but not that cute." Eris mused in distaste.

Sinbad watched as she morphed down to human size leaning up against him; he shifted uncomfortably as she did.

"And lucky for you I've got places to go, things to destroy, stuff to steal." Eris explained, caressing his face before floating upwards.

"Ta ta." Eris waved before disappearing in a flash of black smoke.

Sinbad looked down at the book with a grin before smiling over at the crowd behind him. He gingerly reached for the edge and looked over to Proteus with a raised brow. The prince nodded in confirmation. Sinbad beamed as he opened the book and stared down at it in childlike wonder. He then lifted it up and braced himself as the light poured out of it, into the skies and braking apart the clouds overhead. As the light returned it fixed all that it touched, spreading out across the kingdom and further across the land. Restoring it to its former glory.

Sinbad fell to his knees as the power cut off. He smiled while huffing for breath as Proteus approached with a wide grin. He held out a hand to help his friend up.

"You know for what it's worth, I think the council believes you now." Proteus grinned, as they glanced over at the gob smacked senators that had sentenced him.

"Ya think." Sinbad chuckled in amusement. The shouts of cheering erupted as Sinbad walked the book back over to Dynous.

"King Dynous." Sinbad greeted as the older man reached for the book Sinbad teasingly jerked it away.

"Oh wait, how much you got on you?" Sinbad asked.

The king rolled his eyes at Sinbad.

"I offer you the gratitude of the 12 cities and the apologies of a King." Dynous told Sinbad sincerely.

Sinbad chuckled.

"No really how much?" Sinbad asked again jokingly.

"Sinbad." Dynous scolded lightly.

Sinbad shrugged impishly, handing the book over.

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