Letter 18

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Justin would visit Selena's grave every week and leave her a letter with a bouquet of sunflowers because those were her favorite flowers. He would sit there for hours and talk to her and think about the times they had together before everything went wrong. He believes he could have saved her if he came home earlier and wasn't out doing things he wasn't suppose to do. Half of her death is his fault but the other half was because of her past. The past that he told her he could help her forget about. The past she was running from. That was what he was doing in the beginning, helping her. He promised that he would love her forever and never hurt her. But he only accomplished one part of that promise and it was the loving her forever part. He shouldn't have got caught up on the lies people were telling him. He should have never even spoken to those people.

It's been a few years since his beautiful angel took her life away, 549 days to be exact and it hurts him more and more each day to think he's part of the reason why she didn't wanna live anymore. That's probably how she felt when she found out about what I was doing behind her back he thought. He just wishes he could turn back time and make everything right between them. Erase that day when he met that other girl. Erase that day everything went wrong. He just wants her back in his arms. All he wants is to hold her again and never let her go and tell her how gorgeous she is. And shower her with all the love in the world. Because that's what she deserves that's what she deserved. But he needs to get that she won't ever come back. He won't let himself believe it though, because he'll know it'll hurt a million times more when reality finally settles in.

AN: so guys this is the ending of the book partially bc idk what to write anymore and also bc Jelena is dead and J is getting married. But I did have an idea for a sequel were I write from Selena's POV before she killed herself. But I just wanted to thank everyone who voted and commented it really means a lot and I had fun writing this even tho it was sad af. But if you guys want Selena's POV just let me know ❤️

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