Letter 15

406 19 0

Dear Selena,
I remember when I first saw you. It was Monday morning right after winter break. You were new to our school. Everyone was taking about you. And when I finally saw you I knew why you were the talk of the school. You looked absolutely beautiful with your long black hair and big innocent brown eyes. I was instantly captured by your beauty. You had this innocent look to you. Nothing like any of the other girls at school. That's what made me like you even more. You were different. You never threw yourself out there and kept to yourself. All the girls were jealous of you because every guy wanted you. And I remember the look on your face when I approached you after school by your locker. You looked at me as if I were crazy. Later on you told me it was because you thought no one would befriend you and everyone would hate you. But no one could ever hate a girl like you.

Love Justin

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