"No, I don't love him. Not in that way. I love Elvis and I always will. Charlie and me... we just have a new found connection. It's grief that's all, I'd never set out to hurt you Molly, I thought you knew me better than that" Georgie looked genuinely hurt.

"I don't know anything anymore George. I definitely don't know Charles that's for sure. And now he's going away again and he'll come back worse no doubt. If he comes back at all, it can't be safe for someone in his frame of mind to be out there" Molly voice broke, promoting Georgie to reach for her hand. "It has to be his decision. He's been cleared so there's not much you can do, just know I'll always have his back. I'd protect him with my life"

That's what Molly was afraid of, they we're willing to put their lives in danger for each other, so where did that leave her?


It was easy to tell himself she'd forgive him eventually. That she was his wife and of course she would always support his decisions, eventually anyway. Sadly, with this tour that wasn't going to be the case. She spent more and more time working and less time at home. Their usual rituals before he went away a thing of the past. 

He waited for her at Bailbrook House. Their pre tour date night had always been one of their favourite things to do. The last time they sat here they were like loved up teenagers, now she wasn't going to show up.

She eventually turned up a few hours later, as he packed his kit ready for Barracks.

"You didn't come" his expression was wounded.
"No, I didn't come. I needed to show you what it feels like when someone does something that hurts you. You leaving is hurting me"

He threw himself down on the side of the bed, resting his tired head in his hands "This is my job. I have to go. She..."

Molly cut him off "She needs you. I know, you keep telling me. Well if this is your decision then pack the rest of your things too. I want you to leave me, if the army and Georgie is what you really want then leave me"

"No one comes close to you Molly. Things are just difficult, I know it's hard on you but your so strong. You're a survivor"

She choked back tears "I've had to be, I've had a life time of people letting me down. Now my husband, the only person I have in this world is letting me down too. Putting another woman first. So like I said if it's her you want then leave me! Someone needs to put me first so that's what I'm doing"

He was crying now, confused that she was giving him his get out and now he didn't want it "You said you'd never leave me" he whispered. It hurt her to see him weep, he didn't deserve it but neither did she.

She pushed herself between his legs "Fight for me Charles" she demanded "Fight for me or go. Go to her but don't ever come back" He stared back at her blankly. This had to finally be the moment he chose her, she was willing him too.

He couldn't look at her as he climbed to his feet, pulling his Bergen onto his back. "If you go now, I won't be here when you get back" she shouted after him. Desperate for him to change his mind "Don't go" she sobbed "please don't go"

He didn't even turn around, his only thought was to remove himself from this, then maybe he would stop hurting her. He'd let her down and he'd never forgive himself but his uniform and the soldier that he'd worked so hard to become had won. It had beaten the man he wanted to be but couldn't, the man who was present in everyday life. She'd hit the nail on the head when she said he was hiding behind the uniform, he just never expected it to finally break her too, the way it had broken him.

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