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"Is everything okay between the two of you? He seems very distant" Beth hit the nail on the head. Molly was losing him, he was slipping away.

"Yeah Everything is fine"

"I've known you long enough now Molly to know you're lying. And Charles has been avoiding me too, so what is it? Please tell me, no matter how old he gets I'll never stop worrying"

Molly sighed. Beth deserved to know what her son was going through. What they were both going through.

"The PTSD. It's back Beth and it's worse than ever" Molly wiped away a stray tear that managed to escape despite her best efforts not to draw attention to herself. She'd promised him faithfully they'd keep it between themselves. "Well I guessed dear, I just needed confirmation. I was afraid of this when I heard about Elvis, I suppose it was inevitable. Has he been getting the help he needs?"

Molly shrugged "He was doing well and I was going with him to every appointment and then one day he said I couldn't - that he wanted some space and he's never let me since. I don't believe he's even going anymore. He's seems overly preoccupied with Georgie's well-being, ahead of his own and it kills me to say this but ahead of mine too"

Beth was shell shocked. And she wouldn't sit back and let him throw away another marriage, especially to the woman who had saved him. She just needed to save him again.

"I best be get going, these 12 hour shifts are killing me" Molly said with a yawn.

"I can image they are dear, and not much rest at home either I take it?" Molly shook her head "Look after him for me?"

Beth smiled at her "Always"

She watched the exchange between them as Molly kissed Charles goodbye. He'd always been so affection with her, to the point it often made her cringe but he seemed dead behind the eyes. Barely raising his arms to return her embrace. The hurt in Molly was evident as Charles turned away from her, turning his attention back to his mobile phone.

"Charles James. We need to talk" his eyes darted to the door but there was no way he was getting out of this "Don't even think about leaving either. Now put the bloody kettle on and be ready to listen"

Beth's heart broke to see her son fall apart. It had been easier than anticipated to get to the root of everything. Guilt was eating him up and everything else was falling apart because of it.

"Charles you cannot hold yourself responsible for Azizi or Elvis. You are one man and a fantastic man I must add, but the weight of the world cannot rest on your shoulders alone. We both know who Elvis was and what he was about. He was an army man to the core and he died doing exactly what he lived for. It's just unfortunate that you and Georgie and poor Molly now have to pick up the pieces"

"I don't deserve her mum. I'm a failure" and that was the other crux of the matter. "Well I happen to think you do deserve her and everything she brings to your life but I can assure you that you will not keep her if you continue down this road of self destruction. Get some help before you lose everything"

"I've already lost her. And myself"

Beth wanted to slap some sense into him "Charles, please take a long hard look at yourself and your wife. Before it's too late. Don't become that man"

She left him in his thoughts, hopeful that she'd got through to him. Another trip to the divorce courts would finish him she knew that much.


He paced the house waiting for Molly, 4am and she still wasn't home. Surely she'd be home by now.
He'd called and called - no answer. His heart was pounding out of his chest, he had to do something. He grabbed the keys to his Range Rover. She hated him driving at night when his leg was usually achy - she'd probably argue with him about it if she came home. If.

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