Fourteen - Fight For All Life

Start from the beginning

"And, what did you imagine, General?"

"The Olympics. Maybe even a Starbucks." T'Challa chuckled.

"Seems like I'm always thanking you for something." Cap shook hands with T'Challa.

"Your highness." Bruce bowed.

"Oh, we don't do that here," T'Challa told him. Bruce shuffled back awkwardly. "Welcome back, my friends. So, how big of an assault should we be expecting?"

"Uh, Sir - pardon me, Your Majesty - you should expect a big assault," informed Bruce. "Like, really big."

"Well, then, we have the armies of the Tribes, my personal guard the Dora Milaje, the Jabari, the Sokovian armed forces, and-"

"A semi-stable one-hundred-year-old man." Bucky, all suited up, emerged through the crowd.

"And his best girl." Karen was at his side. "I watched you march off to war once, but I'm coming with you this time."

"How have you been, Buck?" Steve hugged his friend.

"Oh, you know, not bad, for the end of the world."

"солдат?" cried Sascha.

"It's a long story," Nat stated.

"What have I let you get me into, Natalia?"

The group took the injured Vision to Shuri's lab where she confirmed she would be able to remove the Mind Stone without destroying Vision himself, provided she was given enough time, which was the others' job, to hold off the assault for as long as possible - which had already arrived.

"Something's entered the atmosphere," Okoye announced, receiving an alert on her bracelet.

"That'll be our alien friends," said T'Challa. "Today we don't just fight for one life, we fight for all of them. Evacuate the city, engage all defences." He turned to Cap. "And get this man a shield."


Soldiers had amassed on the field at the edge of the city.

Cap, Nat, T'Challa, and Kalyna approached the protective dome's edge where two of Thanos's children stood.

"Thanos will have that Stone," said the lone female follower.

"That's not gonna happen," Cap told her firmly.

"You are in Wakanda now. Thanos will have nothing but dust and blood," T'Challa threatened.

She smirked. "We have blood to spare." She raised her arm, sword in hand, cuing a bunch of growling, monstrous aliens to emerge from the ships that had dropped down. The creatures howled and hissed, fangs bared and multiple limbs thrashing.

"Did they surrender?" Bucky asked as the four rejoined the rest of the army.

"Not exactly," Cap replied.

The alien creatures were already charging towards the dome, snarling and thrashing violently.

"Боже мой," muttered Sascha.

"I think we pissed her off," said Nat.

T'Challa started up a chant, the whole of the Wakandan forces chanting with him as the aliens charged towards the dome, fighting and dying to get through. For those that managed to make it past, the army opened fire on them.

The aliens seemed to pick up on the situation, and began circling around the barrier.

"This will be the end of Wakanda," cried M'Baku.

"Then it will be the noblest ending in history," Okoye stated determinedly.

T'Challa gave Dome Control the signal to open the shield and let the aliens in. "Wakanda Forever!"

"Wakanda Forever!"

They charged.


It became clear right away that they were viciously outnumbered. No matter how many of the aliens they took down, it seemed only more and more kept coming, literally tearing through everything and anything in their path.

"Shuri! Please tell me you are almost done!" T'Challa shouted into the radio.

"I've barely begun, Brother!"

"Then you might want to pick up the pace!"

"I'm doing my best!"

"I know you are!" He was cut off by a pack of aliens swarming and tackling him to the ground. It seemed everyone was just as surrounded.

Suddenly, the ground around them began to shake before a great rumble and bright light broke through the centre of the field.

Strikes of blue lightning flickered through the air as Thor charged into the open battle field, axe raised high. "BRING ME THANOS!"


Боже мой - Oh my God (which we've heard Nat use ;))

здравствуйте - Hello

солдат - Soldier (which Hydra called Bucky)

(Meanwhile, Thanos arrives on Titan - haha, I just love that transition! Thor bursting onto the battle field and Thanos casually stepping onto Titan ;)

I took a Russian language course last year so I got really excited writing all these Russian-speaking characters! ;)

We're nearing the end - of the first part! Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed! :))

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