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(Y/n) created a chatroom
(Y/n) named the chatroom: nicknames 4 lifeee!!! :D
(Y/n) invited everyone (in Avengers team)

(Y/n)- Hi guys! :D

Everyone- Hi too (Y/n)! :DDD

Wanda- So, what's with the good mood?

(Y/n)- I will give you all nicknames today! :3

Everyone except Steve- *claps* Woohoo!!!

Clint- I bet mine was awesome B)

Nat- Pfft no

(Y/n) changed Steve to Capsicle
(Y/n) changed Nat to Badass
(Y/n) changed Wanda to Vision's Lover
(Y/n) changed Bruce to Smartass
(Y/n) changed Tony to Playboy
(Y/n) changed Bucky to Hot Soldier
(Y/n) changed Vision to Wanda's Lover
(Y/n) changed Clint to Cocky Archer
(Y/n) changed Thor to Poptart
(Y/n) changed Pietro to Speedster Boi

(Y/n)- There! (#SatisfiedWithWork)

Poptart- Lady (Y/n), why my name is a food name???

(Y/n)- Bc you really love to eat poptarts! Obviously :3

Badass- Wow! Thanks for the name (N/n) ;)

(Y/n)- No probs ;D

Smartass- Thanks for the nickname, (Y/n). Your nicknames are way better than Tony.

Playboy- Hey :(

(Y/n)- XD

Vision's Lover- O///O Uh...

Wanda's Lover- No need to be shy, Wanda. I'm proud that we are the thing called couple. You are one of the best thing that ever happened to me.

Everyone- Aww! So sweet! OTP!!!!

Speedster Boi- I'm glad to hear that. Please, don't ever hurt my sister's feelings. If you do.... then I will kill you slowly, painfully...

Hot Soldier- That's a bit creepy...

(Y/n)- Yeah... But I'll agree anyway.

Vision's Lover- Pietro, don't worry. Vis will never hurt me, right Vis?

Wanda's Lover- Yes. I promise not to hurt her.

Speedster Boi- Good.

Vision's Lover- I'm making some cookies rn. Would you mind helping me, Vis?

Wanda's Lover- Sure. I'll be there shortly.

Wanda's Lover left the chat

(Y/n)- Wow! Can I have some later?

Vision's Lover- Sure! :) I will give it to everyone, except Tony...

Vision's Lover left the chat

Capsicle- This chatroom has become a drama section...

Hot Soldier- True. Aaand why my name is 'Hot Soldier'???

(Y/n)- Bc you're an ex-soldier and hot! ;)

Hot Soldier- Oh ok O///O

Hot Soldier has disconnected


(Y/n)- Making cookies, obviously.

Capsicle- *face palming*

Smartass- Don't worry... Wanda is a great person, perfect to say. She's great for Vision.

Smartass left the chat

Badass- I guess you're a bit overreacting, Tony...

(Y/n)- Not a bit.

Speedster Boi- TOO Overreacting. My sister is good and the best! You're just jealous, Tony! X)

Speedster Boi left the chat

Playboy- (-.-)

Playboy left the chat

Cocky Archer- I'm not cocky! >:(

(Y/n)- Whatever you say.

Badass- Hey (Y/n). You wanna spar?

(Y/n)- Sure! :D

Badass left the chat
(Y/n) left the chat

Poptart- And I'm going to eat some poptarts! :DDD

Poptart left the chat

Cocky Archer- Soo...Just left us two, Cap.

Capsicle- I'm going to train. Want to join?

Cocky Archer- Sure!

Capsicle left the chat
Cocky Archer left the chat
Chatroom has closed

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