~°Vision x Reader°~

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Vision created a private message
Vision set a password
Vision added Wanda

Vision: Hello Wanda. I need an advice from you.

Wanda: Hello too Viz :) What kind of advice?

Vision: On how to confess to a girl I lik- no. Love.

Wanda: Ooh! You fell in love with a girl huh? Who's the lucky girl? ;)

Vision: (Y/n).

Wanda: Oh wow! It looks like the girl you love, loves you back ;DD

Vision: Are you serious on what you just said to me?

Wanda: Yeah! It's that obvious. She would always blush around you, ya know :)

Vision: Oh

Wanda: So all you need to do is say 'I love you' to her and kiss her :3

Vision: D-do I really h-have to kiss her?

Wanda: Yes! Because (lips) kiss means you really love her that much. Now go on! Good luck Viz! :D

Vision: Thanks Wanda for your help :)

Wanda: You're welcome :)


Vision created a private message
Vision set a password
Vision added (Y/n)

Vision: Hello (Y/n) :)

(Y/n): Hello too Viz! :D

Vision: I really need to tell you something important now...

(Y/n): What is it? :)

Vision: It's...uhh...

(Y/n): Just tell me Viz. I won't bite :3

Vision: I love you (Y/n).

(Y/n): H-huh? R-really?

Vision: Yes. I really love you.

(Y/n): Lucky for you because...

Vision: Because?

(Y/n): I love you too, idiot! :D <33

Vision: You want to watch a movie?

(Y/n): Sure! :3

(Sorry it's cliche as shit XD)

𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐌𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒.Where stories live. Discover now