I like your shirt

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(Paige's POV)

I wake up to my mom shaking me to get up for the first day of school..

Ugh! Why did summer have to leave me and put me in a cab to school..or

'High west high'

The school I'm going to go to..ugh!

"Five more minutes mom.." I groaned, half asleep.

"You said that an hour ago! Get up or you'll be late on the first day of school!" She said.

I groaned once more, pulled myself out of bed.

The warm feeling of my cozy bed, left me feeling all cold and forgotten..bed why did u leave me?!

*fake sobs*

I dragged myself into the shower and washed my hair, and body.

I then got out and wrapped the towel around my body.

I walked into my room locking the door behind me. I went to my closet to go pick an outfit for today.


"Where did I get this?!"





I picked a cute pinkish-reddish flowy crop top. With some high waisted jean shorts. I looked in the mirror once more and was satisfied with my look.

I then saw my hair was still soaking wet, so I blow dried it. Now it was make-up time!

I put on:





Natural eye shadow,

Liquid eyeliner,

And a layer or two of Mascara.

Then I was done.

I headed down stairs and grabbed my bagel and was out the door!

(At School)

I walked into the doubled doors and let the cool air hit me..right in the face..

I walked too my first class..which was..French!

I knocked and the teacher let me in. Then everybody came up to me and asked me my name.

"Paige" I said with a smirk.."my middle name is 'Trouble'" I said again and everybody gasped. I nodded once and looked over my shoulder and saw a rebel looking hottie, leaning against the door frame just watching my every move.

I decided to walk over there. I thought about what to say. I looked down at his shirt. I gasped.


I was then over there looking into those deep brown eyes.

I breathed in, and then out.

"I like your shirt"


Two updates in one day! Try to keep up! ;)xx

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