"Welcome home, Shoto." Atsuko said as she placed the boy down on the couch, "I'm your older sister, Atsuko Todoroki. But everyone calls me Akko, so you can do the same."

Atsuko bit the rest of her popsicle and threw the stick in the bin before entering the bathroom. Shoto heard the sound of running water come from the bathroom but it quickly ended. Atsuko stuck her head out of the bathroom.

"Can you take that bandage off?" She asked.

Shoto's hands instinctively covered his bandage and shook his head. Atsuko gave him a slight pout.

"Guess I'll do it myself then." She mumbled before ducking back into the bathroom.

She walked back out with a cooling gel pack and pale of water with a cloth. Shoto started to shuffle away as she crouched down in front of him, she softly took his hands in her own.

"I have to, Shoto. I don't want you losing your sight. Please, trust me." Atsuko pleaded, softly.

She rubbed a small circle with her palm – to help him or her, she wasn't too sure. She knew she was asking a lot from the traumatised boy but she was hoping that the fact she looked exactly like their mother would somehow help. From what Fuyumi's letter said, father had given her this responsibility because of how close Shoto was to his mother and would make things easier if he just had a look alike.

It was cruel but Atsuko had to not show how she truly felt. She was the eldest sister, estranged but still one of the eldest, she may have never met any of her siblings but she still had to protect them. She didn't realise she had a sister until the whole 'mother finally breaking under the pressure of being married to their father and hurting Shoto as the backlash' incident happened and the youngest sister had asked one of the maids to give the letter to Atsuko, which had explained everything that was happening. Atsuko felt a little better that she now had a little spy within the enemies lair.

Shoto was looking at the older girl with fearful eyes but was trying to hiding it. She'd have to teach him how to mask his emotions better. Eventually, he tightened his hand around hers and shuffled closer. Atsuko smiled softly at him.

"If it hurts, squeeze my hand, okay?"

He shyly nodded and clutched tighter onto her hand.

Atsuko slowly removed the bandages that were around his eye, having to stop every so often when Shoto squeeze and small tears slid down his face. Sometimes the skin and bandage were stuck together which was quite painful to peel off. Atsuko continued to reassure Shoto that it all be over soon. Once the bandage was off, Atsuko finally saw the damage that their father had done to their mother. Most of his face had been melted off, along with some of his hair. His eye was cloudy with goo that his body was producing in an attempt to protect itself and heal. Atsuko didn't have many memories of their mother but she knew that she didn't do this. She wouldn't have done this if she was stable.

Shoto was full on crying by this point but was still trying to keep it together, Atsuko assumed it hurt his damaged eye. Atsuko plastered on a soft smile.

"Wow, Shoto, you're so handsome!" Atsuko delicately placed her hand upon the burn, causing him to flinch slightly, "Hey, Shoto. Do you have a favourite superhero? Personally, mine's All Might."

Shoto sniffed and looked at the older girl confused, "You... You like All Might?"

"Of course! Do you like him, too, Shoto?" She asked.

A pale green glow shone from Atsuko's hand as she spoke.

Shoto nodded, slightly, "Mum and I would watch his interviews together..."

"Really?! Me too, I wanna grow up to be a hero like him."

Atsuko saw the slight sparkle that glimmered in his grey eye at the thought of someone else liking something he does. Atsuko remained focused on the burn. She quite glad that the burn was growing smaller and his hair was growing back. She really wanted to get his sight back.

"What's your favourite thing about it him?" She asked.

Shoto thought about it silently, "How cool he is..."

Atsuko giggled at that, "He is pretty cool. I like his smile."

Atsuko could feel herself getting dizzy but she knew that she couldn't stop, not when she could see the cloudy goo beginning to clear up.

"His smile?"

Atsuko nodded, "His smile tells everyone that everything is going to be alright, that no one has to fear anymore. I want to be able to smile like that..."

Shoto looked at the girl, a little awestruck. He then felt his heart beat pick up when his whole vision started to clear up and he was able to see out of both of his eyes. He blinked a few times, not used to being able to see after having the bandage on for so long.

"How's that?" Atsuko asked, removing her hand.

"I-I can see..." Shoto stuttered, "How did you do that?"

Atsuko smiled, "It's part of my Quirk. I don't know where the healing ability came from, but I'm glad I have it."

Atsuko Todoroki, eldest sister of Shoto Todoroki, was to become the Blazing Hero: Phoenix.


Edited: 11/09/2018

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