Chapter One

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You're high upon a tower, now don't look down/ I will be okay here on the ground/ and you can always call, to say hello, from time to time/ when you're no longer mine...

Sitting in my living room writing lyrics was usually what I did around this time of day.

I live in a cabin in the woods in Oregon, alone. I've always loved being alone. It gave me extra time to write and record my own songs, and to just really have time to think. I'd have the occasional visitors, usually the boys who lived next door, but I was mostly alone.

These past couple of years have been a real struggle for me. I had an unexpected big hit with Fort Minor called Where'd You Go a couple years ago, and nothing's really been happening after that. I pretty much went broke, and decided to move from LA to Oregon.

I've been confused as to what I really wanted from music. I certainly didn't wanna be one of those bubble gum pop artists. I want to be unique, but not boring. I wanted people to actually be excited to hear my music. It's all so confusing to me, and I need what to figure out what I wanted from music before thinking about an album. I need to get out of this grey area.

A few days ago, I flew out to LA to talk with a friend/producer at Universal Studios. I probably spent around twelve hours just talking about my career, no lie. I explained to her that I want to write and sing, and I want to be unique, but not boring. Complicated, I know.

After chatting about that, she said she had an idea of what I'd be interested in doing. She played me Airplanes from B.O.B. and Hayley Williams, and I was in love! I told her that's basically what I wanted to do.

She then brought up this newly signed producer, Alex Da Kid. She told me he was really good at what he did, and that it'd be in my best interest for me to work with him. Which at this point, I was desperate.

I've thought about what she's told me, and thought I definitely need to hit this guy up. So, I set down my notebook, got my laptop, and headed out the door.

Since I couldn't afford WiFi, I always drove to a local diner to check up on my email and other things.

Once I got to the diner, I ordered myself a cup of coffee and sat myself down at my usual table. Luckily, my friend from Universal gave me Alex's email the other day. So I guess I'll reach out to him that way.

Feeling pretty cocky, I sent him an email telling him about myself, and that we should work together and that we'd be great together. I didn't really think much of it afterward. I'm sure he has a lot going for him, and is probably much too busy for someone like me.

Since I was already here, I figured I'd respond to some of my other emails and check my social media. I was sitting there, sipping on my coffee and scrolling through twitter, which was getting boring. I was about to get up and leave, until I got another email. I opened it to see it was surprisingly from Alex Da Kid.

I found it very surprising he even took the time to read my email, let alone respond.

He told me he thought it'd be great for us to work together, and he even sent me a track! I listened to it, and was in love with the beat. I tried coming up with a hook, but it was a pretty hard time. It seemed like one of those emotional type songs, so I tried coming up with some deep, meaningful lyrics.

I grabbed a napkin and a pin on the table and began writing. After about fifteen minutes, I finally came up with something.

Just gonna stand there and watch me burn/ well that's because I like the way it hurts/ just gonna stand there and hear me cry/ well that's alright because I love the way you lie/ I love the way you lie.

I know those lyrics are kind of deep, but I really don't know where they came from. What I do when I write is I think about life. I think about my past life, and I think about how horrible it could be. Sometimes, I just keep raising the bar on pain by putting myself in different kinds of situations. I did that for writing, but mainly just to feel alive. Just shit like that, really.

So, I sent Alex the lyrics to what I call "Love the Way You Lie," and packed up my things. Maybe this opportunity will bring me put of this slump, maybe it won't. But I guess I'll just have to wait and find out.

I shrug off all my thoughts of anxiety, grad my laptop, and walk out of the diner. I start heading home with a positive attitude. Who knows? Maybe this will give my career the boost it needs.


A/N: Sorry if this chapter is boring to you. But like I said, it's building suspense. You'll have to give it time. I'll try to update quickly. Thanks to whoever the hell wanted to read this :)

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