Chapter Thirty-Two - Limited Time

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The two kings catch up with Adrian and head into the castle, going straight for Phil's office. Dan and Phil settle into the love seat while Adrian takes an arm chair across from them, his expression once again serious.

"Daniel, now that I know you're alive, I want you to come home. You are our king, and we need you to lead the kingdom once again," Adrian says, wasting no time in getting to the point. "Mother and father are also horrendously worried about you and miss you terribly."

Dan exhales and glances at Phil for a moment before looking back to his brother. "Adrian... I want to go home. I do. But... Divum still technically controls Tenebris, and there are people here that make me want to stay."

"You're the king. You can't just leave forever," Adrian retorts. "And think of the people at home that love and miss you. Think of PJ, Rose, our parents, everyone. We need you."

"I do miss them and I want to see them again. And I do miss home." Dan closes his eyes for a moment, his bottom lip between his teeth. "This is a lot to think about."

"We can host you and your party for several days," Phil says, making Adrian and Dan look over at him. He smiles, but it doesn't hide the pain behind his eyes. "That will give Dan and I a few days, and it will prepare him for his journey home."

Dan's face falls. "Phil—"

"Dan, this is your kingdom and your family. You must think of your kingdom before me," Phil replies. "I will return Tenebris to its rightful rulers. My representatives and my soldiers will return home as soon as possible."

Adrian nods, a smile brightening his face. "Thank you, King Philip."

"You are very welcome, Prince Adrian."

Dan looks from his brother to his boyfriend, his expression broken. Phil notices and smiles weakly, placing a gentle hand on his knee. Adrian stands and bows.

"We will leave in four days. My brother will accompany us."

"Indeed. Goodnight, Prince Adrian," Phil replies.

"Qjeen wejj, Adrian," Dan murmurs.

"Qjeen wejj, Dan," Adrian replies before slipping out.

The moment the door closes, Phil wraps Dan in his arms and the king of Tenebris hugs back, tears finally pouring down his face. Dan lets himself cry, and when he feels Phil's quiet sob against his shoulder he cries harder. They stay tangled in each other's embrace for a long time, and when Dan has finally calmed down he just keeps himself tucked against Phil, scared to let go.

"I could just stay here," Dan insists softly, rubbing his thumb back and forth over Phil's hipbone.

"No, you can't. As much as I hate it, you need to return to your kingdom. Your people come before I do," Phil replies. He meets Dan's gaze and traces his thumb along his jaw, smiling shakily. "We still have a few days together."

"I don't want a few days. I want the rest of my life," Dan mumbles back.

Phil flushes and leans forward, pressing a kiss to Dan's lips that's immediately reciprocated. The king of Tenebris digs his thumbs into Phil's hips, kissing a little harder, and Phil responds by pinning Dan to the couch beneath him. He runs his hands up Dan's chest beneath his shirt and kisses his neck, nosing up to his ear.

"I love you," Phil whispers. "Even if there's distance between us, that won't change."

Dan's eyes brim with tears again and he pulls Phil down into another kiss, the words 'I love you' murmured against his lips. His fingers fiddle with the buttons on Phil's shirt, and before long the king of Divum is shirtless. With a quick point of Phil's finger, a blue strand of magic locks the office door and Phil resumes his heated make-out session with Dan, his hands moving down his body and squeezing at his hips. Before he knows it, Dan's pants are unbuttoned and his shirt is gone, but he doesn't mind at all. Phil is loving him, and he's so terrified of losing him that he finds himself holding on for dear life.

Phil loves Dan until the king of Tenebris is crying tears of pleasure and joy, clinging to the king of Divum like one would cling to a life raft in the middle of a stormy sea. Phil is warm and bright and there, his eyes burning into Dan's in a way that they never have before. Dan bites his shoulder to stop himself from being too loud, his fingers digging into every part of Phil's skin he can reach.

Phil presses his face to Dan's neck, breathing heavily. Dan noses at his hair, thumb pressing into the leaf mark on his hipbone. Slowly, Phil lifts his face and takes Dan's wrist, kissing the raven wing mark that's still slowly returning to full colour.

"I love you so, so much," Phil whispers.

"I love you too," Dan whispers back.

Phil smiles and touches his forehead to Dan's, his eyes falling shut. "This isn't a very comfortable place to fall asleep, but I desperately want to fall asleep right now."

"Could we sneak up to your room?"

"Probably. Come on, grab your clothes and wrap yourself in your cloak."

Phil pulls himself up, grabbing his cloak and wrapping himself in it. Dan does the same, holding his clothes to his chest beneath his cloak. Together, they sneak through the halls and up to Phil's room, avoiding all guards and servants. When they finally reach Phil's room and close the door, they look at each other and burst into laughter at the sheer silliness of sneaking around like naughty children.

"I can't believe us," Dan comments, an actual grin on his face. "I feel like a teenager again."

Phil laughs and presses a kiss to his lips. "We're just children in adult bodies."

Once they've stopped laughing they head to bed, discarding their cloaks and bundles of clothes and cuddling up to each other with no cloth in the way. Dan presses himself against Phil's chest, his eyes falling shut.

"Hey, Phil, what's your favourite thing in the whole world?" he mumbles.

"You," Phil replies in the same soft voice.

"That's very sweet, but I mean objects. What's your favourite thing to have?"

Phil is silent for a moment before replying. "Plants. Why?"

"Good to know."

"Why, though?"

"No more questions. Goodnight, Phil."

The king of Divum laughs and presses a kiss to Dan's hair. "Goodnight, Dan." 

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