Chapter 4

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I made it back to my floor, to try and explain to Loki, and found him quickly. -He saw everything. He knows. It was a mistake. He saw us. He saw us.- That one sentence looped around my mind, numbing most of my senses as I approched his awaiting figure. Loki had watched me enter the level. -He saw us. He saw us.- Anxiety started to gnaw at my gut.
"Lo-" I opened my mouth to explain when he placed his hand up for scilence, softly shaking his head.
"You didn't have to lie. You obviously love Steve more." He growled, obviously trying to cover up his pain and sorrow.
"Lo-" I tried to interrupt him, to ease him of his pain.
"You never loved me. You made that very obvious." His voice started to turn over and become hollow as anger started to edge the tone. I felt the sharp prick of tears at the corners of my eyes.
"Loki, please, I don-" His facial features hardened as he straightened.
"SHUT UP!" I flinched as he yelled, his voice resounding around the room and floor. He dropped his voice again.
"You have made your feelings clear. I will get out of your life. It's evident you never wanted an us. And you never will." Tears slipped silently down my cheeks as I reached out to his position; just as he dissapeared once more. I started shaking softly.

"Loki. I'm not with Steve. If it wasn't for you, I would probably still be down there in an embrace I don't want to be in. I had another memory shoot through my mind before I left this room. It was of Steve. We were younger. I'm so sorry." My voice choked up, making me become silent for a few seconds as tears fell from my eyes. "I never ment to hurt you. I've wanted an us for so long I can't remember a time when I didn't. Every wandering thought went back to you. I was lost and confused. I only went to Steve because he was the only one who could answer my question. He said a few things and next thing I knew, I was tangled up with him and pressed to a wall. You had me stop. Just your name made my mind clear again." I flopped down on the couch and curled up with the blanket the hung on the backrest, burying my face into it. "I'm so sorry for everything." I started sobbing, stiffling the sound with the blanket and back of the couch.

I woke up the next morning curled up next to the couch and sunlight blinding my eyes. Groaning, I rolled over to face the couch and fall asleep again.
"Miss. Erys. You have got company on the way." FRIDAY's voice entered into the room.
"No." I groaned and stood up. Taking a quick look around, I decided to clean up a little, the room and myself.

I cleaned up most of the room before I left to make myself presentable. When I entered my room, a fresh wave of sorrow washed over me. It looked like it had came straight out of Asgard, as Thor always brought me back stuff from his trips. It's like he knows I don't feel like I belong on Earth. I quickly threw on a forest green tank top and black skin-tight pants; then i fixed my hair, quicjly running a brush through it.

I entered the living room in time to hear the elevator ding, indicating said person had arrived.

"Anyone home?!" A thunderous voice echoed into the room.
"In here!" I replied while taking care of the last few items in my hands. When I looked up, a tall, long blonde haired man was standing in the middle of the doorway. I smiled in recognition of the person.
"Welcome back, Thor." I walked over to him and bowed slightly. He chuckled softly and wrapped me up in a hug.
"Thank you, Lady Erys. Here. I brought you this." He pulled out a small black box from behind his back. I smiled and gently reached for it. When I opened it, a gasp slipped between my lips before I could catch it. Inside the box layed a simple but elegant necklace. It was a pure gold chain with an emerald-like gem hanging between a hammer and horned helmet. -Loki and Thor.- I thought sadly.
"It's to remember Loki and I by." I put on a fake smile, hidding my pain. I hooked it up around my neck, the jewel landing just bellow my collarbone.
"Thank you, Thor. It's beautiful." I placed the box on the coffee table and plopped bown onto the couch. Thor following close behind.

"How have you been? What have you been up to?" Thor asked politely. I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply with remembrance of the past few weeks.
"I-" My voice cut out as sadness closed my throat.
"Erys? What's wrong?" Thor placed a big hand on my left shoulder.
"Loki an-" No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't speak. I placed my head in my hands as tears started to prick at the corners of my eyes. I felt the gentle, now familiar, sensation of my powers activate at my hands. But instead of feeling heat, I felt cold. Frozen almost.
-They never cared about you Erys. Why do you thibk they kept your age a secret. It's not like they just learned of it.- A new and raspy voice entered my head as I sat.

"Erys?" I shook my head to clear it, and I lifted it out of my hands to look at Thor. His face was angled down. I followed his gaze and found myself looking at my hands. They had a deep blue pigment creeping up my arms, my hands already covered with the color.
-You have no idea what you are capable of. I can show you Erys.- The raspy voice came back once more, clear and prominante. Taking much room in my mind, leaving no space for anything else. My hand suddenly lurches out and grips Thor's wrist. I watch in horror as his wrist turnes a deep blue then to black, making a whining noise. Thir watched for a second before ceying out in pain and yanking his arm back.
"Im sorry! Im sorry!" I started apologizing instantly.
-No your not. You never were and you never have.- The mystery voice echoched throughout my head. I suddenly felt the remorse leave my mind.
-Good. Leave it all behind. Just like you were before.- The voice reminded me of nails on a chalkboard.
-You knew?-
-Yes my pet. I've always known, always been there. Since the beginning of time.-

I closed my eyes, forgetting Thor was still next to me, and felt every emotion disappear. Leaving me hollow once more.
"Erys? Are you ok?" Thor's voice entered my head. I looked at him, my face, body, and voice stripped clean of emotion.
"Never been better." I felt numb. I felt like I should be confused and appologetic, but I don't. Thor flinched slightly when he heard my voice void of emotion.
"Lady Erys, what has happened? Your voice has changed. It's always had emotion." I responded quickly and stood up, starting to not be able to feel what I should be feeling.
"Guess you don't know me very well then." I turned sharply on my heel and walked out of the room and into the elevator.

Once the elevator closed behind me, FRIDAY'S voice entered the small space.
"Miss. Erys. You seem distressed, do I need to take you to Mr. Rogers?" I continued to stare at the wall.

-No. You need to speak to Loki. He needs to know you never cared and that he was right.- The voice croaked in my head. It started to become familliar. As though I have heard it before.
"No. Take me to Loki." With a quick, " yes ma'am," The elevator started to move upward.

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