Chapter 2

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"John!" I yelled.

A black haired boy came running up to me. "Sorry!"

"Come on, were best friends, we gotta hang out more often than with our other friends, but I'm not saying we should abandon them."

He laughed. "It's fine, I know what you mean."

"I'm so glad it's recess!"

"But we have powers training afterwards."

"Have you figured yours out yet?"

He shook his head. "You?"

"Actually, I'm confused about mine."

"It's fine, my dad told me people typically have a grasp of their abilities after primary and they start middle school."

"So are we going to the same middle school next year?"

"Don't think so. My dad told me we're moving after this year is over."

"Awe, where are you going?"

"New Bostin I think."

"That's too far away."

"Yeah, I'm sorry."

"Okay, so let's plan to meet when we're older then."


"After graduating high school, let's meet back near this school."


"John, Kami! Ability training time."

We ran towards the teacher and followed her into the special gym for training.

"Okay, students," the teacher walked in front of everyone. "We have targets set up, so activate your abilities, and practice."

John looked at me and seemed unsure about himself.

"Just watch me for now." I said.

I looked at the target and focused, knocking it down without even moving.


"John, this is nothing."

"What do you mean?"

I walked over, stood it back up, and went back to my spot.


I extended my arm and created a blue-ish dome surrounding it, then used the telekinetic waves knocking it into the walls of the dome, causing it to shatter.

"Woah now." John stood back. "That's more than one thing."

"Yeah, like I said, my ability is confusing because I don't know anything about it, and every adult I ask has no idea either."

"Have u tried anything else?"

I shook my head. "Why don't you try on ur target?"

"How would I know what to do if I don't know my ability?"

"Maybe just try to copy what I did, try to create a barrier."

"But how?"

"Focus on making a dome shape over the target ."

"That's it."

I nodded.

He then extended his arm and seemed to focus, then a black dome seemed to form.

"I did it!"

"So can you mimic other people's abilities?"

"I guess so." He shrugged.

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