Chapter 1

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All of the students were doing a math test. Baldi was watching all of them like a hawk. One by one, all the students placed their test in the turn in bin. Baldi graded them, and like he knew, all the students got an A+. He was pleased as he handed the test back to the students. As soon as he handed out the last test, the bell rang. It was lunch time. All the students ran out of the class. Baldi was getting his stuff, he heard a familiar voice speak to him.

"Have a good lunch, Mr. Baldi!" Baldi looked up and saw who it was. It was Playtime, and she had a cheerful look on her face. In her hands was a bagged lunch and her lucky jump rope. The reason why it was lucky, was because she got it on the same day she went to this school, and this is Playtime's favorite place in the world.

Baldi smiled back and said,"Thank you! Hope you have a good lunch, too!" Playtime nodded and left the room. All the students sat in the lunch room, while the staff sat in the principal's office. It is only the Principal of the Thing, Baldi, and Gotta Sweep. Sure, there are only three staff members, but they all share some nice laughs. 

"Haha! Aw man, I wish I was there!" The principal laughed. "I see you had a good weekend, Gotta Sweep?"

"Best I had in a long time, man!" Gotta Sweep exclaimed. Principal Thing nodded and looked over at Baldi.

"How was your weekend, Baldi?" The principal asked. Baldi was drinking some coffee, and when he heard those words, he chocked on his coffee, and blushed. The principal stood up quickly. "Are you OK?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just laughed, I was thinking of something funny." Baldi lied. Every word that came out of that principals mouth made him blush. He liked the principal. No, he LIKED liked the principal. Baldi has done a pretty good job of hiding is feelings, but he wants to confess it to him one day. But he is afraid that if he says no, he is gonna ruin the friendship of them. Baldi just kept his mouth shut about it. "Um, I had a pretty good weekend, thanks." The principal smiled, than before he could speak, the staff heard a loud scream. 

"HELP!!" The principal ran out of the room. Baldi and Gotta Sweep followed behind him. Eventually, Principal Thing stopped and saw Bully about to land a punch at Playtime. The principal went in front of Playtime to guard her. The bully flinched, and put his hand down. 

"Bully! Why were you about to punch Playtime?" The principal exclaimed.

"DUH! She is annoying as hell! She kept asking me to p;lay with her, what do I look like, a retarded 4 year old?" Bully said. Playtime dug her face into Principal Thing's shirt to hide her sobs.

"That doesn't matter! Apologize to Playtime, now!"

"Fine. I'm sorry Playtime."

"Thank you, know come with me, your going to be in detention." Bully grumbled and began to walk with the principal. 

Damn it! The annoying kid! She always gets away with it. I'm always the one in detention. I have to do something about. Bully thought. Once the bully got into the dentention room, he decided to think of a plan to make Playtime "pay" for what she did. Then, it hit him. Thats it! Bully snickered about his idea.

As soon as Bully got out of detention, he walked to find Playtime. After about 3 minutes of searching, he found her talking to Arts and Crafts. He walked up to her, then Playtime looked at him with an uneasy face.

"W-What do you want from me!?" Playtime exclaimed.

"I wanted to talk to you, Playtime." Bully said, trying to look kinda shy.

"Go ahead."

"In private." Bully glanced at the sock puppet.

"Whatever. See ya, Playtime." Arts and Crafts smiled. Playtime smiled back, than looked at Bully.

"So, what do you want from me?" Playtime asked.

"I, love you, Playtime." Bully lied. Playtime blushed.

"W-Wait, then why are you always so mean to me?"

"Just to get your attention. But, if you don't like that, I can stop." Playtime thought for a minute. "Will you go out with me?"

Playtime smiled and hugged Bully. "YES! Yes I will!" Bully made an evil looking face and snickered.

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