Chapter 5: Starting with a Fresh Start

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*Morning birds chirp*

It was 8 in the morning......

As I finally woke up the train came to a stop announcing that we were in New York I grabbed my backpack and my luggage I walked out waiting in the front of the office while I was waiting for Nick I looked around to see how my old childhood city had changed over the years.........suddenly something tapped me from behind my back.

(Nick) Katherine?!!! Is that you?....

I turned around to see Nick .........I thought to myself of how my best friend that I haven't seen in a long time compared to how he looked now I couldn't believe my eyes the Nick that I used to grown up now it was just he came up to me I wrapped my arms around him it felt like I was back when I was young again.........after the hugged it was a 30 second awkward silent then he grabbed my bags and put it in the back of his car then we had a 15 minute drive until we arrived at his house.......I looked up to see a beautiful house that was amazingly filled with flowers and trees it was just we walked into Nick's house I saw that everything was clean and be honest....he is kinda rich.....I sat on the couch while Nick made us something to drink then we broke into a nicely smooth conversation till he asked me why I came..

(Nick) So....Katherine....what brings you here?

(Katherine) Well,Nick...your gonna be shocked when I tell you this but just listen ok?..

He nodded..

(Katherine) Well,you know Rosco right?....well an old friend of his recently came to town his name is had a party then I got drunk...then one thing led to another and I got.......pregnant....?

I could tell by his face he was surprised but he also looked hurt.

(Nick) don't know what to say....I'm don't deserve this....but no matter what I'll help throughout all the have my word.

(Katherine)Thank you"I said as I gave him a hug

(Nick) You should get some rest it's been a long day....


*Meanwhile back at school*

(Marcott)She's pregnant?!!!

(Sasha)Yes....and it's all because of Ace!!

(Rosco)She left last night saying she was leaving.....

(Becca) I hope she's okay....

(Marcott)Ok?!!.....Becca how do you expect her to be okay?!!.....she could be out on the streets!!! With nowhere to go!!..and worse...pregnant!!!!!!!

(Roxanne)Babe..calm down.....

(Sasha)Roxy how do you expect us to calm down?!!! Kat can be somewhere on the streets for all we know!!!

(Roxanne)I know but sitting here doing nothing isn't going to fix anything!!!

(Rosco)She's right we should be getting answers from the person who did this to her!!!! Lets go find that asshole!!

Rosco and the gang walked through the halls to search for Ace.As they came walking near the library they saw Ace outside...that's when Rosco came through the door pinned Ace to tge wall with his hands around his neck and thumbs against Ace's throat....

(Ace) Rosco what the hell are you doing?!!!

(Rosco)For what you did to Katherine!!!!

(Ace) Look Rosco I'm sorry for what I did but I was going to apologize to her!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2015 ⏰

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