Chapter 3: Left Behind By a Broken Heart

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It was Monday again and I was still at Sasha's but it was 7 in the morning when the alarm when off.I got out of bed and went to the bathroom and got ready for school as I got finished I went downstairs smelling breakfeast in the air..........I went to the table seeing waffles,scarmble eggs,bacon and biscuits waiting for me to eat them.After breakfeast, it was time to go to school but, I wasn't ready when Sasha told me of what she wanted me to say to Ace as we walked to school.

(Sasha) Katherine I want to tell Ace about his baby

(Katherine)What?!!! No?!! I can't

(Sasha)Kat it's his baby and he deserves to know


(Sasha)No buts!!! Your telling him!!.......and that's final.

I was scared of what Ace was going to say......the thought of being a mother at the age of 15 scarred me it makes me wonder what people would think of me........but Sasha was right it was Ace's baby and he deserved to know.....I decided during lunch I would tell I waited.......and waited......till it was finally the time to tell him.

(School Bell rings)

As I went to the cafeteria I looked around to find him until I finally saw him sitting next to Rosco and as I walked forward to the table I could see Sasha mouthing the words ''tell him'' I got close to table tapped him on the shoulder and said......

(Katherine)Ace, can I talk to you for a second?


So I pulled him off to the side out from the cafeteria where we stood silent for a minute then he asked me..............

(Ace)So.....what'd you what to tell me Katherine?

(Katherine)Well.....remember the party Rosco had?

He nodded his head lightly

(Katherine)Well then we got drunk right?Then you led me upstairs while we were drunk and we had sex.....

I could tell by his face that he was suprised and shocked

(Katherine)The thing is Ace........I'm.....pregnant....with your

As soon as I said that I started bursting into dreadful tears of sadness I didn't know what he say next but he said..............

(Ace)You can't be.........pregnant?!!!! What?!!!! Why?!! How?!!!!! I can't be a father at 15?!!!! I'm sorry Katherine I can't be a father I'm sorry ............but I can't be with you......your on your own.....I'm sorry

After he said that right to my face I ran out from school I couldn't bear to see his the clock hit 3 I was already home and Sasha was at the couch waiting for me from school I sat next to her and that's when she began to ask me questions.

(Sasha)So......what did he say?

(Katherine)He yelled at me that he couldn't be a father at 15 and that he will not help me with the baby......he basically left me

I was crying on Sasha's shoulder because I was broken inside I didn't know what I was gonna do with the baby.

(Sasha)Kat.....I' sorry.....if he left you that's his lost you got friends who support you and we will always be here to support you all the way ok?

(Katherine)Thanks Sasha I couldn't ask for a better friend.

As I gave her one last hug we went to watch movies of romance and eat popcorn till we fell asleep.

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