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I woke up the next morning and was excited to explore the island. I stood up and walked to my shower I got undressed and hopped in. After the 30 minute shower I walked to my closet and threw on the most comfortable outfit I could find. The outfit was a loose fitting green crop top sweater a pair of black tights and Nike shoes. I brushed and blow dried my hair and straightened it. I put on natural makeup grabbed my phone and walked out the door. I got in the rental car and drove to the park. I got out and saw the gate. It was amazing, I've always been a fan of old things and I was so happy to see that they kept it. My lips grew into a smile as I walked into the park. It was amazing it was like living 65,000 years ago.

I walked to where they kept the Carnivores and saw the velociraptors. As I looked up there was a metal bridge and a man standing on it. I heard him talking to the raptors. I suddenly noticed he wasn't just talking to them he was training them. He yelled names and finally I could hear him say. "Blue? This one's for you." As he said this I saw him throw a large rat at the animal. A man started talking to him he looked scruff and old. "That was amazing, I thought we hired the wrong guy. But we obviously didn't!" The scruffy man said to the raptor trainer. They turned around and noticed how perfect everything was about the raptor trainer and I could tell he didn't want to talk to the older man. "I got company right now. Can we talk later?" He asked and noticed me and motioned me to come over. I didn't know him so I didn't know what he wanted. So I walked over and he shot me a look of act like you know me. " hey, how are you?" I asked in a desperate attempt to act like I knew him. "Hoskins, I don't have time for this. I have company." The man said. "Okay, Owen you did great but we need a field test with the raptors." Hoskins said. "Can we talk later. I have company." Owen said and Hoskins started to walk away. "Sorry about that, I'm Owen." Owen said. "Y/N, I'm Y/N." I said. "Thanks for saving the day, Hoskins can be very,very aggravating and you saved my day so thank you." Owen said. "Anytime, who are these guys?" I asked pointing at the raptors. "Well, that ones Charlie, that's Delta, that's Echo, and that's Blue she's the beta."owen said pointing to each raptor. " are you training them?" I asked curiously. "Yep, have been since the first couple of months they were born." Owen said.
"So you raised them?" I asked owen. "Yep, they mean a lot to me." Owen said and my heart tensed in awe. "How long have you been here?" I asked. "About a year. These little guys require a lot of work." Owen said. " this your first time here?" Owen asked. " yeah, it's a business trip. It's so much cooler then what everything claims it to be." I said. " yeah, just never turn your back on the cage that felling will change pretty quickly."owen said. "Has anyone ever died falling in?" I asked.

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