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"E-eh?I can control things?!?COOL!!"A girl named (L/n) (Y/n) said.

Her quirk was manifested at 6 which she is now.Her quirk activated accidentally to a cat, which make
the cat flying around just by looking at the cat.Whenever her hands turn into a certain direction, it follows.

"Yes, thats correct"The doctor said.

(Y/n)'s parents hug her tightly.Her parents were happy for her.
"I'm so proud of you!"Both of her parents said.(Y/n) smiled and hugged back.
With tears of joys in her eyes.

"But..."The doctor said turning serious.

Making the (L/n) family turn to the doctor with nervous faces.

"She had another quirk..."The doctor paused for a moment before continuing.
"It's another powerful quirk...But it's a dangerous one..."

(Y/n)'s smile turned into a frown.

"W-what d-do you mean doc?"

The doctor sighed."H-her other quirk can break any parts of the body by only
snapping her fingers, and deciding what part of it will break.So I advise you
to not snap your fingers (L/n)-chan for no reasons"

(Y/n) nodded.She put her hand in her chest where her heart is."I promise,
I'll not snap my fingers!for no reasons!"She promised.

The doctor smiled at her pureness."You Can used it, if there's an emergency."

(Y/n) smiled brightly."Really?!I can used it?!?"she yelled.

The doctor nodded.

The (Y/n)'s parents are so happy for there daughter.

2 Years Later

"Lets see what you can do Miss (L/n)-Chan"U.A. is gonna test (Y/n)'s quirk.So that
they can approve (Y/n) to be a hero in a young age.

(Y/n) had found out that her parents were pro heroes.(Y/n) didn't get mad that they
didn't tell her sooner.She accepted it and became the happiest child in Earth.

"You will be fighting All might, the number one hero"The principal informed.
(Y/n) nodded and entered the field.

"I can't believe I'm fighting a child..."All might mumbled.

"Hi!All might!"(Y/n) yelled.

"Hello, Young (L/n)!I see...your the one whose gonna fight me right?So you can become
a pro hero in a young age"All might said.

"Yup!I'm (L/n) (Y/n)!I'm the child whose gonna fight you All might!"(Y/n) yelled while smirking evilly.

All might chuckles."If you won, you'll be a pro hero in that age"he said.

(Y/n) nodded in understanding.

"But if not, then you'll have to wait for years to become a pro hero!"All might said,

(Y/n) nodded again and go to fighting stance, Same to All might.With that the fight began.

And guess what?

(Y/n) won.

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