The Voice

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Eva: Yeah no

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Eva: Yeah no.

Devil: We don't sing.

King Dice: I do~

Devil: You're the only one here with a decent voice.

Pirouletta: Except me~

Eva: Sure thing Rip-Off Roulette. Don't break any wine glasses.

Pachinko: *cant sing but wants to judge*

Mangosteen: Hey! Pachinko can judge! He can't sing! Pachinko can judge!

Hopus: That's kind of a no brainer.

Wheezy: Uh... who's up first?

Phear: *sigh* I'll go.

Chimes: A true hero offers himself into danger.

Martini: You got this *hic* Lone Ranger!


Scotch: YAH!

Phear: *sighs* Where have all the good men gone And where are all the gods? Where's the streetwise Hercules to fight the rising odds? Isn't there a white knight upon a fiery steed? Late at night I toss and I turn And I dream of what I need....

Chimes: Wow.

Wheezy: And you said you don't sing!

Phear: *bloosh* Shut Up!

Mangosteen: My turn!

Hopus: Go for it.

Mangosteen: Oh, oobee doo I wanna be like you I wanna walk like you, talk like you, too. You'll see it's true someone like me Can learn to be like someone like you

Chimes: dang it! I wanted that one!

Mangosteen: Alright! Who's next?


Pirouletta: I wanted to go last but since nobody offers themselves I shall go.

Eva: Take it away princess Pissy Prim.

Pirouletta: *scoffs* Ay de mí, Llorona. Llorona de azul celeste. Ay de mí, Llorona. Llorona de azul celeste.

Eva: Since when do you speak Spanish?

Devil: Since she watched Coco and cried like a little baby.

Pirouletta: I hate you both.

King Dice: I supoose I'm up next.

Devil: Yes you are.

Eva: No theme song!

King Dice: Wasn't plannin on it. 

Devil: Yes you were.

King Dice: *scoff* Sit down at my table, put your mind at ease. If you relax it will enable me to do anything I please. I can read your future, I can change it 'round some too. I look deep into your heart and soul, to make your wildest dreams come true.

Eva: *fangirling*

King Dice: *chuckles* It was just a Disney Classic, darlin. No need to get so flustered about it.

Devil:It's the fact you actually sung the song that made her do... that.

Pirouletta: Ugh, disgusting pig. 

Devil: Guess I'm Next. *clears throat* NO I ant too flawless and NO I ain't the best. And NO I don't say sorry and NO I ain't perfect but I am the man. I am the man. Shots fired.

Eva: *more fangirling*

Pirouletta: Hmph. Will she ever stop being a disgusting attention whore of a fangirl?!

Wheezy: Nope. But it's her turn.

Eva: Wait no I can't sing.

Scotch: Everyone can *hic* cook!

Whiskey: that's *hic* ratatouille You doofus!

Eva: *groan* Fine. Only because you're making me.

Pirouletta: I need earplugs.

Eva: I'm erasing myself from the narrative. Let future historians wonder how Eliza reacted When you broke her heart. You have thrown it all away, Stand back, watch it burn. Just watch it all burn. And when the time comes Explain to the children The pain and embarrassment You put their mother through. When will you learn That they are your legacy? We are your legacy! If you thought you were mine



Eva: What?

Hopus: Was that a siren spell?

Eva: No. just voice editing ti make myself sound halfway decent. 

Devil: That explains it.

Mangosteen: Who won Pachinko!

Pachinko: *holds up a sign that says "everyone"*

Wheezy: Heh, figures.

Phear: Thst means we all are winners. 

King Dice: That was pointless 

Devil: Agreed.

Eva: Don't forgdt to ask and dare us lots!

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