I loved you. (PART I)

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(Photo: Kyle)

"I'm done with your wickedness."

Then she turns around without another glance toward the cocky boy.

« You said that plenty of times! I don't believe you, you are crazy about me but I don't love you anymore deals with it ! » he laughed out loud.

The jerk had the guts to laugh at her. She looked at him one last time.

When he met her eyes, Kyle immediately stopped.

Hurt? Why would she be hurt when he is the one who is heartbroken? She is the one who cheats right? Maybe no... He wasn't sure anymore.

« Serve you right bitch ! » snapped Ginger.

The skinny girl wrapped her hand around his arm and sweetly smiled.

« Baby, do you love me more than this filthy slut? »

June waited for his answer, she wanted to know if she should try one last time.

She was so hopeful, she loves him with all her heart.

Please, don't hurt me. I need you.

« I never loved someone as I love you and this girl is just a fatty annoying bitch. »

He smirked but behind all this facade, he knew that he was so heartbroken.

He snapped his head when he heard sobs.

June was crying?

«Kyle! You didn't mean it right ?! » snapped Trent.

Kyle frowned, he knew that his best friend was trying to help her.

But his pride took the better of him.

«What? Of course, I mean it with all of my heart. Besides, I think you and her make a perfect couple. A traitor and a slut. »

Everyone was silent except for Ginger.

The girl was laughing out loud and was overwhelmed with happiness and pride.

Kyle was finally by her side and she would keep it that way.

« I hate you. »

June was shaking but her eyes held so much hate toward the boy she loves with all her heart.

He broke her apart and find happiness in her misery.

She promised herself to never come back to him, never again.

She looked at him one last time, the boy who was her everything.

She finally made the best decision she ever made in her entire life.

She walked away.

« I think I was right after all.» sighed Trent.

« What do you mean ? » asked harshly Kevin.

« You never loved her, she was just a toy for you. Just a dumb bitch, she is a piece of trash. »

Kyle punched him in the face so hard that the boy fell backward.

However, Trent wasn't angry.

He was laughing!

« Why are you angry? You don't have any right to be angry. »

Trent stands up and looked toward Ginger with so much hate that Kyle was a little taken aback.

« Are you happy Ginger? You have everything.

But did you thought about the innocent June?

You destroy her life only because of a boy. »

«Innocent? She is far from being innocent ! » claimed the blonde girl.

« And you, do you really have nothing to be ashamed of ? » darkly asked Trent.

Kyle was speechless, his best friend knows something about Ginger for sure.

« What do you mean? »

« June never cheated on you with me. »

« Stop lying, I saw the pictures. »

«Pictures? Did you really see pictures of her and I naked? »

«Yes! »

« From when? »

« One month ago! During my birthday party! »

« She never cheated on you and you know it. »

« Why would I believe you? »

Trent couldn't believe what he heard.

He thought that he would trust him since they were friends for as long as they could remember.

Trent felt betray like someone was stabbing him in the heart billions of times.

He held the tears and looked directly into Kyle's eyes.

« Never contact me again. »

One week later.

After all the drama, Kyle was back to his bad boy behavior. He moved on from his ex-girlfriend with his ex-girlfriend's step-sister. He was in love with Ginger or he wanted to.

However, when the days past he couldn't think of anything else than June.

He missed her, he still loved her after all she had done.

That way at the end, he only wanted to hurt her as she hurt him.

I will make you regret, June.

One month later.

One day, June was passing by the couple when she saw them making out.

When she came back home the same day, she heard moans from Ginger's room.

After two hours, Kyle came out.

This day, June's heart broke in a million pieces and she cried during two days straight.

After the third day, she decided to change her life for good.

She asked her father if she could come back to Washington.

After some talk, he agreed and the next week she was packing.

But she took a break from packing, she needed a drink.

When she was heading downstairs, she heard the voices of Kyle and Ginger.

They were making love again, in less than two weeks.

Kyle and she never made love when they were together.

« Kyle, baby do you love me? »

« Of course my love. »

« More than June? »

« I never loved June, I wanted to play with her. I wanted you since the first day in the parc. »

June held her tears.

She will not cry for him ever again.

She loved him but right now it was too much for her.

She decided to finally let him go.

She will protect her heart from all this pain.

All was a lie.

When June moved away, Kevin didn't felt anything, not even sadness.

He was numb.

He just wanted to sleep.

After all, it was all her fault.

She was a coward if she doesn't want to face her sins.

I promise you June, I will never love someone like you ever again. You are a monster.

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