Chapter One *Moving*

Start from the beginning

I stood in front of my full body mirror. I'm not going to deny it, I looked good in this dress. The dress was a blush color. It had a lace floral pattern throughout it, with ruffled sleeves. The dress had a scoop neck cut, which wasn't so low. To tie it altogether it had a woven brown belt around the waist.

I headed back to the bathroom. I glanced in the mirror to see my hair had almost dried, but since I was to lazy to do anything with it, I left it with its natural waves in it.

" Serenity!!" Her piercing voice cut through the walls, ringing in the room. It startled me enough to make me jump. Get it together girl, this world is tough. You can't be afraid of your mother.

I forced myself to open the wooden door. " What do you want?" I glared at her with my ice blues eyes, but with childish freckles dotting my entire face, it downgraded the whole angry affect.

" I want you down stairs now." Her imaged mirrored mine, but there were bags forming under her once cheerful eyes, unwanted grey hairs, and wrinkles framed her face from the stress of the business.

" Why? I still have to pack." My temper was slowly returning.

" Don't give me that crap. Did you look in your closet?" Her eyes staring at the closet. " I packed everything for you. Now get your lazy butt in gear and let's move." Hints of anger laced her voice.

" What did you do with cops this time?" I saw her hand move towards my face. Instinctively I blocked it.

" Not this time mother. Maybe when I was six you could beat me, but now I'm at the top of the business." She pressed her lips into a hard line.

" Your father will hear about this!" This was her pathetic attempt of getting me to beg for mercy.

" You mean my step father. The one you married, because he has money and he wanted part of the business. Oh, yes, go ahead and tell him his highly trained, daughter would like to speak with him." With that she stomped away. I couldn't help but grin.


I followed my mother, Casandra and her "husband" Nick in my white, convertible BMW. Yes, it was over kill, but this guy had serious money. Even though Nick had money my mom refused to live in a decent house. The house she picked was always small, and hidden in the woods or atleast out in the country and sometimes even in the slums of Austral.

Honk! Honk! The sound of rubber slammig to a hault on asfault and the sudden cry off a car horn snapped me out of my daze. The semi in the other lane had veered off the side off his road and was speeding towards me. My mind started to panic. I sucked in a deep breathe and jerked the car into the other lane. The semi flew on past me still out of control. I blindly searched for my phone in my purse.

" Where is it? Where is it?" I grumbled. Finally I found the the slim device and dialed my mother's number.

" Hello?" She didn't sound a tad bit frightened by the resent events.

"Mom, I'm call nine one, one. Some people could really be hurt." I usually wasn't so nice, but I had to even my wrongs with rights.

" Okay dear, but we are not sticking around for the cops to come." The cops in Austral didn't know about our little government business. And killing is highly frowned upon in Austral, because our population is so low from the Division Wars.

" Okay, whatever. I'm calling." I hung up on her before she changed her mind. My nimble fingers glided over the touch screen phone. I deep male voice picked up.

" Hello?"

" Ummm... I'm on right outside of Miami, Florida and there has been a crash. Please come right away." I made my voice sound frantic, scared and childish. Acting was one of my best abilities.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2012 ⏰

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