"That's not a fanfiction, P'Peak," Boom stated. "It's real."

"Wait, really?" Peak tapped on his chin as he tried to remember.

"Yes. That happened to one of our seniors."

"You're right. I mixed them up. The duck-human love story was the fanfiction. Haha~"

"You're so silly."

"W-Who are you?" Singto voiced.

"Where are my manners?" Peak gasped. "Hello, I'm Peak. I'm here to look for Nong Boom. There have been so many incidents with humans and animals falling in love with fairies; I have to make sure my Nong isn't stolen by anyone. Boom's mine."

"I...see," Singto muttered.

"What's with that look?" Peak narrowed his eyes at Singto. "Are you questioning me? Is my Nong not good enough for you?"

"T-That's not what I..."

"What about you? Do you think you're more superior to Nong?" Peak sounded angry.

Singto stared up at him and pouted sadly.

"Kidding. I'm only kidding." Peak pleaded. "Don't cry. It freaks me out when humans cry."

"Please..." Singto gently petted the bunny's head. "Please turn Krist into a human again."

"Why? Are you incapable of caring for a bunny?" Boom wondered.

"I...want us to be together," Singto admitted.

"You could be together as human and bunny." Boom tilted his head to a side.

"I wish for us to be of the same species."

"How about I turn you into a bunny? Then, you two could be together."

"I want us to be a human couple."

"Why?" Boom challenged.

"Because...humans live longer than bunnies and we could communicate."

"Bunnies might not use words, but they do have a form of communication."

Singto thought for a moment and decided. "All right. If that's what it takes for me to be with Krist, you could turn me into a bunny."

"Are you sure? I'm powerful. Once I transform you into a bunny, there's no turning back. You'll be stuck like that until your life ends."

"As long as I could be with him, I'll do anything."

"All right then. I shall grant you your wish." Boom raised a hand to cast the spell but Godt's words stopped him from doing so.

"Who is going to take care of them if they are both bunnies?" Godt blurted.

"One of you, of course. Perhaps, the one who has fainted. Isn't he the cousin of Krist's boyfriend?"

"I could only take care of humans," Godt informed. "You'll have to find someone else to care for the bunnies."

"What about the one who is crying without sound?" Peak suggested. "Wait. Why is there no sound coming out of his mouth?"

"I muted him," Boom notified.

"Why?" Peak was clueless as to why Boom did what he did. "Let me see." He kissed the pad of his right index finger and pointed it at Max. The high-pitched cry made him jolt in fear, so he immediately muted the lad. "Okay. I know why now. His screaming voice doesn't fit his manly built."

"Ow, P'Max!" Godt shouted. "Stop crying already. It's not like you haven't seen Bas use his fairy magic before. You should be familiar by now. Geez!"

"Anymore questions?" Boom queried.

Peak shook his head, so Boom raised his hand once more and grinned when he noticed Singto shutting his eyes in anticipation. Looking like he was about to snap his fingers, Boom halted midway. "Just kidding. Haha! You humans are so easy to trick."

"W-What's going on?" Godt uttered and Singto opened his eyes.

"I don't have enough powers to change you into a bunny," Boom admitted. "That uses up a lot of our energy and we'll need a long length of time to replenish it. Anyway, fairies are only allowed to turn animals into humans, but not the other way around. We'll be punished if we break the rules."

"So, why are you here?" Godt went straight to the point.

"I came here to check on Bas," Boom replied.

"Do you know what's wrong with him?"

"Yes. That's why I'm here."

"Why is he like this? Is he going to be okay?"

"One question at a time. Hmm... First of all, fairies are forbidden to fall in love with humans. Secondly, Bas isn't going to be okay because he has fallen in love with you. I don't understand why he thinks you're worth all this trouble, but he does."

"S-Should I be offended?" Godt mumbled.

Ignoring Godt's complaints, Boom continued. "His powers will become weaker the more he loves you. By the looks of things, he really does love you."

"Is he...?"

"I know what you're going to ask, and the answer is yes. He'll wake up."

"When will he wake up?"

"That depends on the level of his powers. Since he's a newbie fairy, he might take longer to recuperate. If he overuses his energy, he would..."
"He would what?" Godt wanted to know.

"He'll lose his fairy magic completely."

"Does that mean that he'll...?"

"Yes," Boom confirmed.


Some of you already know that this story crosses over to the MewArt Duck-Human story, 'Wish Granted'.  Being that OffGun and the little girl were in both 'WG' and this, they will have their own story once I finish this one.  Hopefully, that cat-human story will be much shorter and there will be a crossover of this one in there.  LOL  I'll try to update the other ongoing stories as well.

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